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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1506

Julien wanted to grow old with Vanessa too. However, there were too many things going on in between them right now. He hadn't had the chance to clear things up with her. Now, he needed to wait for the right opportunity before he could tell her everything.

Only Julien himself knew his concerns. On the other hand, Levi had no idea and said, "Julien, you hurt Vanessa so much that she had to be hospitalised. This is a fact that you'll never be able to change. Knowing Vanessa, she would not forgive you easily. If you still want to be together with her, and if you really like her, you'd better treasure your chance now while she is still here. Take good care of her. Don't wait until she disappears like your ex-girlfriend did. It will be too late for you to regret by then."

Vanessa was Julien's ex- girlfriend, but Levi didn't know that. He ignored Julien's glare and continued to advise him, "I have seen with my own eyes how you act after breakups. Don't try to act tough in front of me."

Meanwhile, Vanessa could hear people talking in the living room. She wondered if it was the doctor who came to talk about Lawrie's illness. She quickly opened the door and went out. To her surprise, the first sentence she heard was Levi advising Julien. She was momentarily stunned.

Prior to this, Vanessa had always thought that Julien didn't care about their past breakup. She thought that he never placed any importance on their relationship. It was only right now that she realized that wasn't the case at all.

Vanessa recalled the incident from that year very clearly. She had woken up in a hotel room that morning and was shocked to see ambiguous marks all over her body. She was so scared that she didn't even call the police at first. Because of that, she missed her chance to help the police catch the culprit who did that to her.

That day, she didn't even dare to return home. She walked alone in the huge city. When she felt tired and could no longer walk anymore, she found a cafe to sit down in. She wanted to call Julien, but she didn't have the courage to tell him that she had been sexually assaulted.

A long time passed and the sky had turned dark. It was only then that she finally mustered up the courage to text Julien, "Julien, let's break up!"

Shortly after she sent out the message, she received a reply from Julien, saying, "Okay!"

That was all that he said. He did not ask her why she wanted to break up. His indifference made her heart ache.

Vanessa thought that when she proposed the breakup, he would have at least been curious about the reason behind it seeing as how it was so abrupt. Yet, he wasn't. He didn't ask her about anything and just agreed to her breakup request at once. For three years after that, he never appeared in her life again. Vanessa cut off all news about him, making it seem as if he never appeared in her life before.

It was until a year ago that they had met again when he became the CEO of Rovio and she applied for a job there. They met by coincidence, and he entered her life once again.

It was only a year ago that she found out his true identity. It turned out that he was the successor of Rovio Corporation Inc.

Levi saw Vanessa standing by the door and gasped, "Vanessa..."

Vanessa snapped out of her long train of thought and smiled politely at Levi. She greeted him, "Young Master Brown, long time no see! How have you been?"

Levi was used to flirting with pretty women and smirked, "I haven't been doing well since you haven't been by my side."

Vanessa chuckled, "But you look pretty good. You seem to be more energetic than the last time I saw you."

"Is that all you've noticed? Are there no other changes you noticed?"

Vanessa scanned him from head to toe and said, "You've tanned a lot as well."

He laughed, "Yeah. I joined the army to serve my country."

"How very noble of you."


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