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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1513

If what Julien said the previous night was true... That the man who slept with Vanessa was him, then Julien was indeed, Lawrie's biological father. He and Lawrie were father and son, so there was a high probability that their bone marrow would be a match.

Moreover, Julien had been staying in the hospital these days. The doctors would measure his body temperature every day and give him a regular physical examination, but Vanessa didn't really pay much attention to it. She thought that he was just doing a regular check-up.

Her third reasoning was also the most important one. Julien had said that he would support Vanessa in treating Lawrie's illness. This surgery day was the most important! If Julien were not lying in the operating room as Lawrie was, why else would Julien be absent?

The above reasons were enough to prove that Julien was the donor that had refused to meet with her.

Once she managed to sort her thoughts, Vanessa took a deep breath and looked up at Karen Joy. She said lightly, "Julien is not on a business trip. He is lying in the operating room. If my reasoning is correct, he should be Lawrie's donor."

Vanessa was a smart person to have figured all this out in such a short time. Karen Joy was not surprised at all. She rubbed Larry's little head and gave in, "Vanessa, you two have been dating for so many years. You should know what kind of person he is better than I do."

"Yes, we have been dating for so many years. I should be very clear about what kind of person he is, but I still misunderstood him time and time again. I thought he was not going to come today," Thinking of how she always thought negatively about Julien, Vanessa wanted to give herself a hard slap on the face.

If it wasn't for that fact that she always saw Julien in such a negative light, she would have figured out that Julien was the donor a long time ago. She should have realized the truth when the doctor had told her he had found a match and Julien suddenly appeared by her side. Yet, because of her own bias, the possibility never even crossed her mind.

These days, Julien had been emphasizing that she should not be afraid. He would accompany them and would never leave them. He even said that he would be where Lawrie was while during Lawrie's operation... Despite all the hints he dropped, she still misunderstood him and thought that he prioritized other things over Lawrie's operation.

If she really knew Julien well as Karen Joy had said, she would not have so many doubts about him. She would have fully trusted him when he said he would be here and would never miss such an important event like Lawrie's operation.

Since Vanessa had already realised everything, Karen Joy no longer needed to hide her purpose of coming to the hospital. She revealed, "Julien told me that his bone marrow was compatible with Lawrie's. Today, since he was going to have the surgery with Lawrie, he was worried that you would be afraid and alone. So, he asked Larry to come with me to accompany you."

Julien had probably guessed that Vanessa would start overthinking if she had to wait outside the operating room alone, so he asked his most trusted person to accompany her. Even now, he was still thinking about her. Vanessa bit her lip upon being reminded of his concern and all the suspicions she had towards him. She took a deep breath again to calm down and said, "Mrs. Collins, thank you to both you and Larry for coming to accompany me."

"You don't have to thank us, I brought Larry here because of Julien. I just wanted to let you know that I will support whoever my brother likes. My family will also welcome you, no matter what background you come from."

Karen Joy was indirectly telling Vanessa that regardless of Vanessa's child, as long as Julien liked her, the Kyle family would accept her nonetheless. Of course, this was not just Karen Joy's personal wish. Her mother had also asked Karen Joy to take good care of the Kyle family's future daughter-in-law.


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