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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1546

"If I'm not human, I wouldn't have given your mother the honour of taking her own life. If I'm not human, I would've killed you too, and you wouldn't even be alive to talk to me now. If I'm not human..." Fiona was so worked up that she gave Vanessa another hard slap. "Yes, you’ re right. I am cruel. I have no conscience, that’s why you’re here now."

"Fiona, I've let you hit me and lashed out at me all you want. You've also said all you had to say. Now, why don't you tell me your intentions for kidnapping me?" Vanessa's face was so numb as if it wasn't hers anymore. Not to mention, there was blood on the corner of her mouth. Nevertheless, she told herself that she could not collapse. She had to hold on for a while more. She believed that Julien would come to rescue her very soon.

Fiona didn’ t answer Vanessa's question directly. Instead, she began to narrate about the past. "When I met your father, his business was doing well. As a big shot in the industry, he would give me whatever I desired. He made me realise that as a woman, I deserved to be happy. I enjoyed standing next to him, receiving jealous looks from other women. At that time, I realised I could be respectable too."

"I enjoyed that feeling very much. I liked it when he spent a lot of money on me. Thus, I didn't care whether he was married with a child. I was determined to be with him." At this moment, Fiona suddenly paused. Her gaze, which was already softened, became fierce and greedy once again. Unfortunately, his business worsened after that. Not only did he have to close down the company, but he had to sell off all our assets. My son and I have suffered a lot for the past few years.

Vanessa smiled meekly. "If I remember correctly, Marvin's business took a dive shortly after my mother's death. Eventually, he was left with nothing. It must be karma. Since both of you did all kinds of evil and even sacrificed my mom's life, God had made you pay the price."

Fiona grabbed hold of Vanessa's neck and shouted through gritted teeth. "It's all your fault! You little b*tch! If it weren't for you, Marvin wouldn't have made the wrong decision. He wouldn't have lost all his fortune. My son and I wouldn't have suffered this much."

"Are you putting the blame on me now? Hahaha..." Vanessa couldn't believe that she still had the strength to laugh. How could Fiona be so shameless? "Are you accusing me because I didn't give you money?"

"Do you still remember what happened on the night of your graduation party? Not long after that night, you found out you were pregnant. Your father wanted you to get rid of the baby, but you refused. He was so worried that you would be hurt again, so he went looking for the man from that night, but found nothing. He had poured so much effort into the search that he hadn't rested enough. Because of that, he signed on a document which had caused great losses to the company. With that, Love Corp hit rock bottom and never recovered." As she said this, Fiona' s tone was full of contempt. If Marvin had listened to her, they wouldn't have ended up this way.

"Come to think of it, Marvin still has a conscience." However, Vanessa didn't want to listen anymore. It was a fact that Marvin had hurt Emily and her. "Fiona, I understand what you want from me is money so that you could live a carefree life. Name your price. I'll give you what I can."

Fiona admitted, "Yes, I want money, a lot of it. But could a wh*re like you afford it?"

Vanessa bit her lip and said, "Give me my phone. I'll call Julien and ask him to bring you money. He'll give you as much as he can, I'm sure of it."

Fiona sneered, "Do you really believe that he'll come to save you with money?"

"Yes I believe in him." There was no reason. Vanessa was certain that Julien was willing to pay any price in order to save her. Also, it had been quite some time since she had disappeared. Julien must be searching high and low for her now.


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