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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1573

Looking at the pained expression on Jayden's face, Julien felt as if something sharp had stabbed his heart.

For Julien, it had been many years since he saw such a look on Jayden's face. The last time he saw Jayden look this disappointed was the year when his parents brought Jayden back to Chatterton Town to recuperate from his illness.

At that time, Jayden seemed to have been disappointed by Silvia, so he agreed to go back to Chatterton Town with his parents. What happened this time?

"Could it be that Silvia really lost her baby after so much difficulty conceiving?"

"Jayden..." Julien walked over and wanted to comfort his brother, but he did not know what to say. He could see Jayden was suffering and he was very concerned about him.

"Why are you guys here?" Jayden asked. He did not call home to inform them of this matter. They must have been informed by someone else since they came so quickly. However, Jayden did not have the mood to ask further.

Knowing that Julien wanted to ask the question but could not bring himself to, Vanessa stepped forward and asked, "Jayden, are Silvia and the child okay?"

"They're fine," Jayden replied indifferently.

"Jayden, are they really okay?" Julien asked. If they were really fine, Jayden would not look so distressed.

Jayden did not respond, but sat on the chair in the corridor weakly with his head in his hands.

"Jayden, what's the matter?"

"Silvia wants to get a divorce."


Jayden irritably scratched his head and slowly told the whole story in detail. After hearing it, Julien said, "Jayden, you are also doing this for Silvia's sake. Go in and explain it to her now. As long as she knows the truth, she will certainly forgive you."

Vanessa, on the other hand, had a different opinion. "Jayden, it's not that I have anything against you, but how could you have done such a thing like surrogacy behind Silvia's back? Although it’s true that she really wants a child of her own, she might not be willing to let another woman give birth to a child for her."

Jayden and Julien both looked at Vanessa at the same time. Under the gazes of the two brothers, Vanessa continued to say, "I am also a woman. If I faced something like this, I wouldn't be able to accept it either. What you've done seems like you were sure that Silvia was infertile. And alas, for us women, not being able to carry a baby may feel like a physical defect..."

It was not that Vanessa blamed Jayden for his decision, but she was thinking of the situation from Silvia’s point of view. Some things were perceived differently between men and women. It was not about who was right or wrong - it was just different ways of looking at things.

Jayden understood the crux of the problem Vanessa had mentioned. In the past, when he heard that it was difficult for Silvia to get pregnant, he had tried hard, because for a woman, whether she could conceive or not was completely different from whether she could give birth or not. "I know this isn’t right... Well if this is the case, if she wants to divorce me, then she may. I was the one who forced her to marry me at the time anyway. Perhaps she has been thinking about how to leave me for years. She finally got her chance now.”

Hearing that, Julien became furious and barked, "Jayden, what are you talking about? You're just angry at Silvia. Why don't you calm down? Are you trying to break our family up? Do you want my nephew to not have a father when he’s born? Are you going to make him an illegitimate child? You always lecture me when it comes to my problems, so why don’t you think it through first when it comes to yours?"

Jayden said, "It's been so many years. I'm tired. I don't want to think about it anymore."

Vanessa said, "Jayden, I know that you care about Silvia. That’s why you're so distressed when she says she wants to divorce you. Okay, why don't we do this? Let me go talk to her and see what's on her mind."

Jayden did not say anything, but Julien spoke up, "Vanessa, I'll leave this matter to you."


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