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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1581

Mia had been busy since the early morning when she found out that Levi was coming home. She didn’t know how to cook, but because she wanted Levi to enjoy a home-cooked meal personally prepared by her, she took it very seriously. She managed to prepare a few decent dishes after a whole afternoon of hard work.

The dishes were served, but Levi was not home yet. Mia looked out the door a couple of times but he was yet to return. She looked at Neil impatiently and said, "Neil, do you think that brat Levi isn't coming home after all?"

"He called earlier not long ago and said that he would be back soon," Neil replied.

Mia peeked her head out and looked at the door again. "But why do I still not see him?"

"He doesn't have a pair of wings, it takes some time for him to get home. So why don't just come sit down and have some tea with me?"

Mia glared at Neil with displeasure and said, "If Levi didn't look so much like you, I wouldn't believe that he is your child. Your son hasn't been home in such a long time. Besides, he has been injured and needs rescue, but you don’t seem worried at all as his father."

Neil replied, "Haven't you heard of an old saying about how one must go through their own challenges and sufferings before they can be successful? All of the experiences he is going through now will become his most precious assets in the future."

"But not every successful person has to go through suffering first," Mia said casually.

"Tell me a few stories of successful people that did not have to suffer."

Mia thought about it, but she couldn't think of anyone that didn't have to work hard for their success. Even her cold brother, Kevin, who had the nickname of "King of Entrepreneurs", didn't just achieve his success overnight. He went through a lot before he became successful, and he still worked very hard to this day despite his achievements.

She sighed, "Yes, it’s true. Every successful person has to work for their success, including Colonel Brown, Kevin, and his wife, Karen."

"That's more like it," Neil said.

"I do understand the situation but everytime I think about Levi going on his missions that puts his life in danger, I feel extremely worried. Also, Levi is the only son of the Brown family. If something bad were to happen to him, there will be no one to inherit the Brown family," Mia said.

"What do you mean there will be no one to inherit the Brown family? Could we, the Brown family, possibly have a throne to be passed down to its inheritors?"

All Mia wanted was to find excuses to care for her own child, but Neil was not agreeing with her and was even going against her reasoning. She instantly felt angry and said, "Neil Brown, if it weren't because you're at an old age and nobody would want you anymore, I would divorce you."

"You... We've been married for decades but you've always talked about divorcing me. If I didn't know you well enough and took your words seriously, it would've affected our relationship badly. Now that our kid has grown up, you should try to work on your temper. I would be patient with you and protect you, but what if one day I wasn't here anymore? Who is going to protect you then?"

"Neil, what nonsense are you talking about?" Mia yelled.

T m just saying what if, it's not like I'm seriously going to abandon you now. What are you so nervous about?" Neil said.

Mia bit her lip. "Neil, I'm warning you, don't ever say such a thing again or I won't play nice anymore," Mia said as her voice trembled.

Mia had never thought about Neil leaving her because she couldn’t imagine how life would be without him. She had devoted herself to him since she was very young. If he wasn't here anymore, she would probably give up living too.


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