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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1587

Cecil suddenly thought of something and said, "Oh, Monique, do you think that Young Master Brown would have the similar thoughts as us?"

"In the old days, the old master Brown, Bache Brown, was an incredible military man. He was the one who established the Chatterton Town Army. Soon after, under his leadership, the Chatterton Town Army became one of the leading armies within the country. After he passed on, Colonel Brown took over the duties of leading the Chatterton Town Army. Although him being Bache's son played a big role in having the leadership duties passed to him, it was also because he had the right skill set to lead the Chatterton Town Army. Among the candidates short- listed to become the new leader, Colonel Brown’s capability had always been in lead," Monique said.

Cecil asked in confusion, "I know that Bache and Colonel Brown are both very capable people, but I’m asking about Young Master Brown. It’ s true that he came from an influential background but do you think that he would be able to take over the leadership of the Chatterton Town Army with his own capability in the future?"

Monique replied with a straight face, "You'd better not look down on Young Master Brown. It seems that he doesn't take anything seriously but once he does, he's pretty incredible. For instance, remember when we first joined the Red Eagle team together? His test scores were always miles ahead of all the other candidates'."

Cecil laughed and said, "Well, it seems you're quite the admirer of our Young Master Brown."

Monique replied, "Although he doesn’t have that great of a personality, and he's lazy and perverted, but he's quite capable."

"Turns out I'm not all that useless in Miss Zellweger's eyes after all." Levi's voice suddenly sounded across the room. Shocked to hear his voice, Monique and Cecil turned around to look at the same time. "Young Master Brown, this is the female dorm. Haven't you heard of knocking before entering?

Levi did not care if this was the female dormitory. He walked in and sat on Monique's bed and said, "I never saw you guys as women. Perhaps, you don't even see yourselves as women either. So, does it matter if this is the female dorm?"

Monique hurriedly stepped away from him and asked with a cold, "What can we do for you?"

Levi replied, "I had some free time, so I just came to chat with you guys."

Monique jeered, "Young Master Brown has free time to come chat with us? Do you believe that, Cecil?"

Cecil looked at Levi and said, "Young Master Brown, it's not that I have anything against you, but what you said just isn’t believable."

Levi waved his hand and replied, "I knew you guys wouldn't fall for it. I came to look for you two under my superior's instructions."

Monique and Cecil could hardly believe what they had just heard.

Levi added, "I'm serious. Pack up and follow me to the commander's office to see him."

Cecil asked, "He really wants to see us?"

Levi said, "Pack quickly, he only gave us 10 minutes."

They glared at him then quickly jumped up and started packing. "Thecommander only gave us ten minutes to pack? Why didn't you tell us that earlier, Levi?"

"I heard you guys talking about me earlier, so I didn't want to interrupt. I stood by the door for about two minutes," Levi said as he giggled. "You only have three minutes left to get to Commander Black's office. If you're late, be prepared for punishments," informed Levi as he looked at the watch on his wrist.


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