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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1599

Bianca was dumbfounded.

The situation had already escalated beyond her control, and Bianca was cornered. She became flustered as the defense she had worked hard on was crumbling before her very eyes. "Who are you? How do you know everything? What on Earth do you want from me?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? What exactly are you trying to get from my master?" Simon asked calmly as he scanned Bianca's face. Suddenly, his voice took a dip. "Money? But you already have that. In fact, you probably won't even be able to finish all the money in this lifetime. Power? It comes with money, that's how modern society is built."

Bianca clenched her fists in silence. Perhaps she was gripping onto the sliver of hope that Simon would never be able to guess the true motive behind her actions.

Simon looked at her and slowly gave an answer, "Could it be that you're coveting the position of 'Mrs. Kyle'?"

His words sent her into a fit, "Who the hell are you? What did you do?"

Judging from the way she reacted, he had hit close to home. Simon continued, "In the past, there were women who tried to do the same. It never ended well for any of them. Besides, my master's feelings for his wife aren't so weak that they'd waver for someone like you."

Bianca's grip tightened even further. "No, I've never been interested in Mrs. Kyle's position. What I want is to find a good father for my child, I don't want my child to lose his future to parents like me. A good family background and great parents are the best insurance I can provide for my child's future."

Simon wanted to believe her words, but he couldn't bring himself to.

He understood she wanted the father of her son to be someone outstanding, but he didn't buy that she wasn't interested in becoming the mistress of the household. After all, there weren't many outstanding men on Earth. It was probably a miracle that she bumped into one, and it wasn't unusual for her to fall for him.

Thus, all Simon could do was stare at her in silence.

Bianca returned his gaze, not bothering to say anything else. Since the cat was already out of the bag, she deemed it wiser for her to remain silent.

Thump, thump!

Someone was knocking on the door. Simon barked, "Come in."

A young man in his early twenties pushed the door open and came in. He was very respectful to Simon. "Simon, we've looked into what you asked. This woman and Alvin did know each other before, they even dated for a period of time. Later, for some unknown reason, they broke up."

Upon hearing this, Bianca turned to look at Simon. "You didn't know anything before, you were just lying to me."

Simon said, "So what?"

Bianca was mad. "You... What have I ever done to offend you?"

Simon merely retorted, "You didn't offend me, but you messed with my master. To me, provoking my master is a far greater offense than provoking me."

"You..." Clearly, she was the one who conspired first, but now that she was exposed, she felt she had become the victim of their bullying. Bianca wiped away her tears with grievance and said, "How could you guys bully a weak, frail girl like me?"

Rolling his eyes, Simon said sarcastically, "Sure, cry all you want."


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