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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1646

"Levi, do you play cards often?" Brenda pretended to ask casually, but she never took her eyes off Levi. She wanted to see if he would be honest with her.

In front of his future parents-in-law, Levi didn't dare to be presumptuous. He could only honestly answer, "I know how to, but I rarely play. But I do it with my family, just to get some money from them."

Brenda said with a smile, "So you have never lost before?"

"Usually the elders go easy on me. They let me win on purpose so I can have some money to spend."

"I see." Brenda thought that this was a good opportunity. Levi had never lost before, that way, when he did lose, his true colours would be revealed. Brenda shot a glance at her husband, Carl, and her daughter, Vivian, before turning her gaze back to Levi. "Let's start then."

"Okay." After being questioned, Levi had a rough idea about what the Zellweger family was trying to find out. He guessed that they were trying to see his character from the way he played cards.

If he was in a drunken state, he would have no idea about his behavior. However, he was very clear on what kind of person he was. He could laugh it off easily no matter how badly he lost.

However, was this really what Brenda and Carl were testing him on?

Levi wasn't sure, so he just braced himself and played along, deciding to go with the flow.

Levi rarely played cards, so he wasn't very good at it. He got off to a clumsy start, but he owed his luck to his sharp wit. After a few rounds, he seemed to get the hang of it.

The Zellweger family was polite to him. They asked him about his life and his work while they were playing. The atmosphere was pretty harmonious overall.

Only Vivian was utterly dissatisfied with Levi because she knew that he was pretending to be drunk. But since she had no evidence, there was nothing she could do except shooting him a ferocious stare.

Especially when she saw Monique's shy expression and her swollen lips that looked like she had just been kissed, Vivian felt even angrier. She wished she could just swallow Levi whole.

If she had known that Levi would pretend to be drunk and take advantage of Monique, she wouldn't have allowed him to enter Monique's room.

The Zellweger family had worked hard for twenty years in order to raise her, but now he was about to swoop in and steal her away.

She was infuriated, but she did not have a choice. Or rather, it wasn't that she didn't have a choice but she had already thought of another way to deal with Levi. "Young Master Brown, it doesn't seem like you're very good at playing cards."

"Yes, luckily I have you to guide me so I'm learning a lot." It was true that he was not good at it, but that was only because he wasn't interested. If he put in more effort, it would not be long before he picked it up.

"Hey, you aren't pretending to not know how to play, are you? Are you waiting for us to drop our guard then win the game?" Levi was too good with his words. Was he all talk and no action? Who knew if he would be different once Monique was in his hands?

She had to give her parents some subtle hints to let them know that they should be harder on him. They couldn't let him take away their precious daughter so easily.

Levi put the cards on the table. "Vivian, it's

your turn."

"Great, I have a flush." Carl understood Vivian's hints and he immediately knew what to do. He smiled as he took Levi's chips before he put his cards down. "I have a flush, so your chips are mine."

Levi glanced over and saw that Carl was missing a card. He couldn't possibly have a flush.


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