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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1662

"Monique, welcome to our house." Kevin always acted cold in front of outsiders and simply nodded his head while Karen acted her usual gentle self.

However, Monique just stared at the two dazedly in silence. Phrases such as a perfect match, a talented duo, a match made in heaven, seemed to be created solely for this couple.

They were no longer in their twenties and it was evident on their faces. However, when people saw them, they still could not help but give them compliments and praises.

Just like how someone once mentioned that while age only made most people weak, it could also make a small group of people become even more charming, and it was proven by this couple.

Monique just stared dumbly at Kevin and Karen until Levi nudged her. "Monique, the elders are greeting you. Why are you just standing there?"

"I...I... Un-" Monique was just about to say the word "uncle" when she felt that it was not very appropriate. How could she, an ordinary person, afford to treat them as equals? She immediately switched to saying, "He...hello, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle!"

"They're my uncle and aunt. What do you mean by Mr. Kyle and Mrs. Kyle? It seems too distant." Levi glared at Monique with dissatisfaction. If he found out that Monique was satisfied with just meeting the couple, he would be even angrier.

Levi wondered had it never occurred to Monique that while they are not married, he couldn't do whatever he had long desired? Without him, how could her life be perfect?

"Levi is right. We're older than you, so if you don't mind, you can call us the same way," Karen said decisively and could not help glancing at Monique another time.

Monique was an everlasting beauty. The more Karen looked at Monique, the more beautiful she appeared.

"Uncle Kevin, Aunt Karen..." Monique greeted them uncomfortably before she was dragged away by Levi. "Where are you dragging me to, Levi? All of the elders have gone to the living room. Isn't it impolite to drag me away like this?"

Levi dragged Monique into the empty backyard. "You've met all of them already. Now, it's my turn."

"What do you mean by your turn?" Just as the question left her mouth, Monique's slightly opened mouth was covered by Levi. He didn't have to say anything, and just used his actions to let her know what his turn was for.

His kiss was manic and domineering, just like how Monique knew him. It was just that the domineering side of him did not appear when kissing her, but when he was constantly butting heads with her.

In the past, all she wanted was to skin him and bleed him dry... However, she had never thought that at this moment, she only wanted to rip his clothes off...


What did she just think about?

Monique was so shocked by that sudden thought that she used all her strength to push Levi away. "Levi, don't mess around."

"How is this messing around? I was kissing my girlfriend. Why is that called messing around?" When the kiss was getting good, it was suddenly ruined by Monique and he was upset.

"Because..." D*mn it, Monique thought. It wasn't that Levi was messing around, but if he continued to kiss her, she was scared that she'd lose control and throw him to the ground to forcefully kiss him.

Needless to say, with the aggressiveness in her bones, it really would be possible for her to do such a thing.


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