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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1705

"Levi, you are a smart person. You know better than me what chips we hold now. Is this the time for jokes?" Monique questioned. She had never been as anxious as she was at this instant when she was placed in such a dangerous situation.

When she chose to be a soldier, she was ready to offer her life for the country and its citizens. She would not let fear take over her or retreat when carrying out any tasks, including those which would risk her life.

However, she was afraid that Levi would not fare well.

It was just human nature — sometimes, one would rather die alone than see something bad happen to the people they care about. She could not let Levi come to any harm.

"Yes, I know it well. That's why they won't do anything to me. Look, they've even arranged for us to live in such a comfortable room. What's there to worry about?" Levi was used to glossing things over. However, the trick didn't work on Monique this time.

"Since you know where we stand, you should know that if you keep stalling and not call Colonel Brown, they will definitely find a way to torture you and force you to make the call." Monique was really anxious, but she still kept herself clear-head. "Once it's dawn, they'll call for you again. We don't have time to wait around."

Levi regarded himself as being able to talk his way out of anything; he often left Monique speechless. But on that day, he couldn't win against her in this argument because she was worried about him, and she accurately pointed out the dangers of their situation.

At that moment, he grew more certain that Monique had feelings for him.

Even though they were in such a dangerous situation, Levi let his heart take over. He held Monique in his arms overbearingly and forcefully, lowered his head and kissed her on the lips to his heart's content.

Monique was filled with rage. All the plans in her mind were slowly restored to calmness because of his kiss. When he let her go, she was a little bewildered.

While she was still in a daze, Levi asked, "Monique, we've been trying hard to look for Sheldon and Edward, but we haven't been able to find them. Now, they've willingly shown up in front of us. We can finally see the targets of this mission. Do you think that's a good thing or a bad thing for us?"

After Levi's reminder, Monique, who was dazed from the kiss, began to think again. "You mean that we should not think of escaping, but how to take away these two targets," she responded.

"Clever girl," Levi said with a chuckle.

Monique hesitated, "But..."

Levi smiled and explained, "I'll definitely be obedient when they ask me to make the phone call. As for when the weapon will be delivered, it's hard to say. As long as they don't receive any weapons, they'll still have to pretend to be polite to me even if they're dissatisfied."

Monique was still worried. "These people are extremely vicious. They've killed countless people. We can't weigh them up the way we judge ordinary people."

Levi nodded and said, "That's right. Because of their viciousness, and because their lives revolve around killing people, the weapons are extremely important to them. They don't adhere to common sense in other things, but they won't mess up in this matter."

Monique fell silent.

Levi added, "Did you notice how many people were in this house just now?"

Monique answered, "About 30. All of them are men, there are no women."

"Okay..." Levi had noticed that too. "That number is just right. No one will notice one or two extras or if they go missing."

Monique understood what Levi meant. She bit her lip and looked at him aggrievedly, replying, "Anything you say. Let's sleep first."

Levi kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight."


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