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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1726

Jefferson's face fell and he spat out the pork that he had just eaten. "Adrienne, are you trying to ruin my appetite?"

She deliberately brought up gory details of a headless female corpse to make him lose his appetite.

Since she had decided to put on this act, she had to see it to the end. If Jefferson found out that she was messing with him, she would be doomed.

Adrienne took out her mobile phone and casually dialed a number. She acted like she was calling Quill. "Sergeant Scott, get your men to search if there is a butcher's knife nearby the crime scene today. Check if there are any butchers living nearby or if there are any butcheries. If my guess is right, the murder weapon used is most likely a butcher's knife."

"Yes..." Adrienne nodded and said, "Once you find it, send it to the forensic department. I'll take a look at it tomorrow."

Seeing Adrienne hanging up the phone, Freddy immediately gave her a thumbs- up. "Adrienne, you're surprisingly professional when it comes to work."

Adrienne pursed her lips and smiled...

Jefferson was upset. He said, "Freddy, remove all the meat. We'll have a vegetarian meal tonight."

All of them knew that Jefferson was hot-tempered and could not be offended. Freddy answered obediently, "Yes, Mr. Jefferson."

Adrienne immediately used her hand to shield the plate. "But I want to eat meat."

Jefferson stared at her and said, "Adrienne, would it kill you to just listen to what I say for once?"

She reluctantly lifted her hand and mumbled, "I told you, you would be freaked out by the story, but you denied that! Now you're blaming me?"

On the surface, Adrienne was acting like she was wronged. But, inside, she was actually very gleeful.

When she thought that even such an evil man could feel fear, she couldn't help but want to laugh. However, before she smiled, he glared at her fiercely. She quickly held back her laughter and said, "Whatever you say, Sir."

Jefferson kicked her again and said, "Adrienne, I'm this close to shoving you back into your mother's womb."

At the mention of her mother, Adrienne's smile disappeared instantly. Her blushed face lost its colour and she became as pale as a ghost.

Time seemed to travel back to the rainy night of August 8th from two years ago. Fresh blood and flesh filled the house.

In the farmhouse that her parents often went to for holiday, the murderer had used the cruelest way possible to send her parents off from this world. They left Adrienne and her sister behind forever...

It had been almost two years but she still hadn't found any clues about the murderer.

Her parents had been dead for two years. As their daughter, she still hadn't been able to do anything forthem.

Jefferson realized he had misspoken but he didn't know how to comfort her. He was used to being rough with her so he just kicked her again. "Adrienne, I was just teasing you, I won't actually do anything to you. Don't make such a pitiful face or people will think I'm abusing you."

Was he not abusing her?

No matter how upset she felt inside, she had to suppress her feelings in front of this dominant man for the moment. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and said, "I am pitiful."

Jefferson raised his eyebrows and shouted, "F*ck you!"

Adrienne refused to admit defeat. "Who f*cked who that night?"

That night, she was drunk and unconscious. She didn't know how she ended up sleeping with him.


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