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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1748

After returning home, Adrienne immediately went to take a bath, but Jefferson kept busy and made a call. "Find out the identity of the fourth victim as soon as possible."

At the other end of the phone, someone replied, "Jefferson, we just confirmed a few minutes ago that the fourth victim was a staff member at Chatterton Town Bank in Paramount Area."

The first victim was a vegetable vendor, the second was an ordinary housewife, the third was a real estate agent, and the fourth victim worked at a bank. What was the connection between the four victims?

Jefferson tried to connect the dots. A real estate agent dealt with the sale of houses, and a bank teller could approve loans. That was the only conceivable link that Jefferson could come up with. However, he couldn't be sure.

Jefferson ordered again, "Check if there is any real estate leased or rented under the second victim's name."

If the relationship between the three could be established, what was their relation to the first victim?

He added, "Get some undercover detectives to go make inquiries at the market that the first victim worked at. Arrest anyone suspicious and bring them back to the station for questioning."

The four victims seemed to have no relation to each other at first glance, but if it could be ascertained that they all had come across the same person before, that person would most likely be the murderer.

"You mentioned that you wanted to take a short nap. Why aren't you sleeping yet?" After Adrienne came out of the bathroom, she saw Jefferson holding his mobile phone in a daze. "Did something happen again?"

He put his phone into his trouser pocket and assured, "Just relax and go take a nap. I won't give any more chances for the murderer to strike."

Adrienne sighed. "Jefferson..."

Jefferson turned to look at her, but she stopped her sentence midway. "Why don't you go on?"

Adrienne thought about it and decided to have a good talk with him, hoping that he would take the initiative to give up. "You don't have any criminal investigation experience, and now you're giving random orders. If something happens again, what will you say to the victim's families? What explanation will you give to the people of Chatterton Town?"

Jefferson curled his lips and responded with a smile, "Little Specky, you're worried about me, aren't you?"

"This matter doesn't just involve you. It involves the entire detachment and the entire Chatterton Town. It's not a joke." It was getting dark soon. Adrienne was very concerned, but Jefferson didn't seem to realize the seriousness of this matter. He always had such a carefree demeanor.

"You're talking too much nonsense. Go to sleep now," Jefferson spoke.

At this time, how could Adrienne sleep peacefully at home? "There are still a lot of things to do. I have to go back to work first."

"I told you to sleep," Jefferson commanded.

Adrienne didn't want to talk to him. She turned around and went to the changing room. It was rare for Jefferson not to pester her. As soon as she changed and came out, Jefferson was gone.

She looked around the house, but no one was there.

She tried to open the door, but it had been locked from the outside and she couldn't open it.

She searched for the key but did not find it. "Jefferson, you b*stard. What the hell are you doing?"

Adrienne was so angry. Right when she wanted to use her phone to call him, she realized that her phone was missing.

Not only did that b*stard lock her up but he also took away her phone. Was he imprisoning her?

She felt helpless.

After she panicked for a while, she remembered that there was a computer at home.


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