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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1882

Jefferson did not know how long it took for him to go to sleep. After falling asleep, he even kicked Adrienne in his dream with dissatisfaction while yelling, "D*mned Little Specky!"

However, just as Jefferson was in deep slumber, Adrienne's cell phone on the nightstand suddenly rang. The ringtone sounded particularly piercing in the quiet night.

It woke Jefferson up in an instant, but Adrienne did not even bat her eyelids and was still sleeping like a log..

"Little idiot! I really want to throw you out of the window now." Although he was dissatisfied with Adrienne, Jefferson immediately took a look at her cell phone. The moment the phone detected his face, it lowered the volume in an instant and the ringtone was no longer as piercing as before.

When Jefferson saw that it was from an unknown number. He rolled over to get up and walked out of the bedroom before answering the call. He did that as he didn't want to disturb Adrienne's sleep. Nevertheless, after being woken up abruptly in the middle of the night, Jefferson greeted the person on the other end of the phone in a harsh tone, "I don't care who you are. If you don't have a proper reason for calling at this hour, I'll definitely rip your skin off."

Perhaps the other party didn't expect to hear such a ferocious voice. The caller was stunned for a few seconds before asking carefully, "May I ask if this is Miss Carter's cell phone?"

"Stop spouting nonsense. Just get straight to the point," Jefferson urged impatiently.

The person on the other end of the line must have been frightened by him. The person stammered, "Well, Miss Carter's grandfather's condition has suddenly worsened and he has gone into shock for some time now. The doctors are trying to resuscitate him at the moment. Please ask Miss Carter to come over immediately. Otherwise, she might not get to see her grandfather for one last time."

Jefferson roared, "What do you mean by she might not get to see her grandfather for one last time? Tell your director that Jefferson Hefner said if anything happens to Mr. Hodge, I will flatten your hospital."

The other side of the phone remained silent.

Jefferson hung up the phone and immediately dialed another phone number. It was late at night, but the other side still managed to answer the call immediately, "Mr. Hefner, I was informed about Mr.

Hodge's situation. I'm rushing to the hospital right now. You can rest assured that we will do our best."

"It's good that you know that!" Jefferson hung up the phone and cursed. Then he rushed into the room with the mobile phone in his hand. He picked up Adrienne, who was still sound asleep, from the bed and informed her, "Little Specky, there's an emergency. You need to wake up now."

Jefferson lifted Adrienne like he was lifting a chick. Even though Adrienne was in deep sleep, she was immediately awakened. She reached for her glasses and put them on before questioning in a daze, "Why are you still not asleep? It's midnight. Is there a new case?"

"We don't have time to talk about it now. I'll tell you on our way there." Jefferson took a coat and put it on Adrienne. He dragged her out of the house, got in the car, and sped off.

Since it was midnight, there were very few cars on the street. Jefferson stepped on the gas pedal violently, and the car sped up like it was a rocket.

"Slow down, Jefferson. Safety first." Adrienne had never seen Jefferson being this anxious, so her emotions were somewhat affected too. She asked worriedly, "What type of case is this that you're being this anxious about? Is it the..."

Adrienne did not dare utter the words 'dismembering case'. She really hoped that Jefferson would answer her in the negative.

Then, Jefferson slowed down and glanced at Adrienne. He asked, "Little Specky, can you promise me one thing?"

Adrienne replied, "Say it."

Jefferson muttered, "Promise me first."


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