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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1887

At the same time.

Ian was also questioning Alma, "Mrs. Gibson, could you please tell me where you were before the incident? Who were you with, and what you were doing? When did you return home? And who was the first to discover Cathy's body?"

As expected, the answer given to Ian was the same as what Aldred gave to Jefferson. Their family went for a trip two days before, and when they returned that day, they found that Cathy had died at home.

Alma answered in a fluent manner, so much so that there was not a trace of emotion in her words. It made one feel as if she was reciting a book, and one could not help but wonder if those words were the products of their discussions and that they had rehearsed it many times.

After getting their confession, Jefferson returned from the hospital. Ian told Jefferson about his doubts.

After listening to him, Jefferson didn't show any reaction. He nodded slightly and said, "I got it." Then, he went to the forensic department to look for Adrienne.

He stood outside of the office because the door was ajar. He poked his head inside to have a glance and saw that Adrienne was burying herself in work.

He knew that she hadn't walked out of the pain of losing Hodge. But when there was a new case, it felt like she had completely changed into another person. She was very decisive, brave, and strong. So strong that it made Jefferson feel sorry for her.

It was clear that Adrienne was working so hard because she wanted to solve her parent's murder. As long as her parents' murder case hadn't been solved, she wouldn't rest for a day.

"Captain Hefner, are you looking for Dr. Carter?" Linette, who was holding a folder, suddenly spoke from behind, "Dr. Carter has just finished the autopsy, and she's in the office now. Why didn't you go in?"

Without saying a word, Jefferson looked at Linette coldly. Linette was so scared that she retreated as she thought to herself, "I- I didn't do anything wrong, did I? Why is Captain Hefner looking at me like this?"

Then, Linette realized that Jefferson wasn't staring at her but at the folder in her hand. Linette seemed to have seen through Jefferson's mind at that instant. She hurriedly added, "This is the information Dr. Carter had asked for. It seems quite urgent but I have something else to attend to at the moment. Can you please give it to her for me?"

In a hurry, she stuffed the document into Jefferson's hands and fled.

Jefferson grabbed hold of the folder and knocked on the door seriously. When he heard Adrienne's reply, he pushed the door and greeted," Dr. Carter, this is the information you've asked for. Linette is busy, so I brought them to you instead."

"Please put it here, then," Adrienne responded without even lifting her head to look at Jefferson.

Jefferson felt that he was completely ignored, so he was slightly annoyed. He walked back and forth in the front of Adrienne's desk but still wasn't able to attract her attention. Hence, he sat on Adrienne's desk and asked, "Can I have a look at this?"

This time, Adrienne did not even bother to answer him.

Jefferson flipped open the folder and looked at its content. When he saw the word 'Zelson' on the first page, he became even more annoyed. He thought, "What the hell is this?"

"It's Mr. Zelson's manuscript." Adrienne finally looked up at Jefferson and answered in an indifferent tone. "He handed it to me when he left the Paramount Criminal Police Team. It has everything about the strange cases that he had encountered in his years of being a pathologist. I found that the case today is quite similar to one of the cases he was in charge of many years ago, so I wanted to have a look at it."


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