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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 189

In the cold and bloody operating room.

Karen Daly, who had long lost her consciousness, lay on the operating table. Some doctors skillfully picked up the scalpel and quickly cut open Karen Daly's abdomen, and soon took out the baby.

"Waaaa—" The baby's cry rang in the cold operating room, especially loud and clear, as if it knew that its mother was suffering.

A nurse put the child into the incubator that had been prepared and carried the baby out. She said to Grandpa Kyle who was guarding outside the operating room, "The mother could not be rescued but the child is safe. It's a girl. As she is premature, we have to keep her under observation for a while, and you cannot hold her now."

When Kevin's mother heard that Karen had died, she was so anxious that she fainted before she could take a look at her granddaughter.

Kevin's father quickly held on to his wife and asked the doctor for help. He was in no capacity to care more about Karen Daly, who had supposedly died in the operating room.

"Please help us take care of the baby. Can I go in and see Karen now?" Grandpa Kyle said to the nurse.

The nurse said, "The doctor is still completing the surgery for the deceased. You should go in later."

After more than half an hour, Kevin's father and Grandfather saw the cold body of Karen Daly, who had lost her life on the operating table.

Kevin's father only took a look at her and then turned his head away. He couldn't bear to look at her anymore.

Grandpa Kyle said, "Have you notified Matthew?"

Kevin's father shook his head and said, "Not yet. How can we talk to him about this matter? When he left, he asked us to take care of his wife and child. It's only been a few days since he left—"

Grandpa Kyle said again, "Then don't inform him. Let's cremate Karen Daly's body first. When he comes back, he won't be so distressed if he can't see her body."

Kevin's father looked at Grandpa Kyle and shook his head again. "Dad, don't you want Matthew to see Karen for the last time?"

Grandpa Kyle said, "So what if he sees Karen Daly? Seeing her like this, he will only be more distressed. If we want him to get out of grief as soon as possible, we have to take action as soon as possible."

Kevin's father hesitated, "But—"

Grandpa Kyle interrupted him and said, "No. Just listen to me. The sooner we deal with it, the better. Try to minimize the pain for Matthew as much as possible."

His old voice was as cold as a grim reaper's blade.


Kevin Kyle came back at night, rushing from thousands of miles away.

When he heard that Karen Daly was in a car accident, he rushed back to Chatterton Town as fast as he could, but he couldn't even see Karen Daly for the last time. At this moment, there was only a box of ashes in front of him.

His family told him that Karen Daly had been in a car accident on her way to the hospital because she was worried about Faye Reed's injury. She was seriously injured, so they must protect their child.

The child had survived, but Karen Daly did not. She disappeared. There was only a box of ashes left.

They said that this was his Karen Daly. How could this be his Karen Daly?

He was not blind. Can't he recognize his wife who was sleeping in the same bed with him every night?

She could run, laugh, and cry when he left, and she would also be angry at him.

She occasionally called him silly, stupid and even called him a piece of wood.

When she was very angry, she would pinch him, beat him, and kick him—


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