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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1896

That day, Freya appeared to be the same as usual. Freya smiled gently as she spoke to Adrienne. However, no matter how well she was trying to hide it, Adrienne could still feel the sadness in her eyes.

Freya had asked for a divorce so decisively because she really loved Freddy. Her love for him ran deep, so she couldn't tolerate anything that marred their relationship.

What was more, a pregnant woman had appeared at their door seeking for Freddy to take responsibility for her pregnancy. That was a blatant insult toward her.

The strong facade that Freya was putting on made Adrienne's heart twist in pain. Adrienne grabbed Freya's hand tightly and said, "Freya, we all know that you and Freddy love each other. The way your love blossomed was just like a fairytale, and the subject of so many people's envy. I want both you and Freddy to be happy. Could you please give yourself, as well as Freddy, some time to calm down and think this over?"

"Happy?" Freya sneered. "Adrienne, let me ask you this. What would you do if Jefferson had an affair with another woman and even got her pregnant?"

"What? Freya, could it be that Freddy..." At the thought of Jefferson being intimate with another woman and conceiving a child with her, Adrienne felt a twinge of pain in her heart.

The mere thought discomforted her, extremely so. If such a thing actually happened to her, she probably would not forgive Jefferson for as long as she lived. And, thinking of Freya experiencing such a thing, the same Freya who loved Freddy so deeply, Adrienne suddenly could not find it in herself to continue persuading Freya.

In the past, Freya often told her that love was a mysterious thing. There was such a thing as love at first sight, and also such a thing as falling out of love at another glance.

Two people being together because of love, was a sweet and blissful thing indeed.

If there came a day when one stopped loving the other, it would be better to tell the other party that directly. Moreover, after the breakup, one shouldn't get into another relationship if they still had lingering feelings from the past. Doing that would only hurt themselves, as well as the new relationship.

"I really wanted to stay with him for the rest of my life, and I've never thought of marrying any other man, but now..." The tears that Freya had been keeping in for a long time finally fell. She wiped them away forcefully and continued, "He was the one who betrayed me and our relationship."

"Freya, no matter what your final decision is, I will always support you. We deserve better than to be wronged." Adrienne no longer cared whether her guess as to the situation was correct. She simply couldn't bear to talk Freya out of it anymore.

Adrienne thought to herself that she couldn't possibly know how much pain Freya was going through as she had not experienced it firsthand. It was an extremely selfish act to keep persuading Freya to let things slide and forgive Freddy.

"Alright. Can you please go out and call Freddy in?" Freya patted Adrienne's hand and tried her best to smile, as if assuring Adrienne that come what may, she would not give in.

"Okay," Adrienne responded, getting up. "I'll call him in and wait for you outside. When you're done, let's go and eat some delicious food together. I heard that a new restaurant that specializes in all kinds of roasted meat has just opened. Word is that it's phenomenal! We should try it out."

Smiling, Freya answered, "Okay. Let's do that."

Adrienne walked out of the lobby, seeing Jefferson and Freddy huddled in the left corner outside. They were talking with their heads down, and their expressions were somber. It seemed that the issue might really be as she had guessed.

Walking over, Adrienne called out, "Freddy."

Hearing her voice, Freddy immediately looked up with a hopeful expression on his face. "Adrienne, what did Freya say?"


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