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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1900

Eunice had always known that Jefferson bore no tolerance towards women other than Adrienne. Not to mention getting intimate with him, even speaking a few words would elicit a glare from him.

She was the best example.

However, even so, it didn't matter.

They were still young, and there was still a long road ahead of them. No one would know who would be having the last laugh.

After leaving the dessert shop, Adrienne and the others went to the third floor to shop for some clothes.

Not caring for what shop it was, Freya went into each and every one and would buy anything which caught her eyes.

Before that, Adrienne had joined in the spree because she did not want to ruin Freya's mood. Right then, Eunice was with them too, swept up in a shopaholic mood. However, it wasn't because Eunice didn't want to ruin Freya's mood. She was competing with her.

Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that what Eunice bought didn't suit her at all, and each piece she chose was a tad bit more expensive than Freya’s.

In terms of family background, the three of them were more or less the same. Although Adrienne's parents had met with an untimely death, they still left her two houses, but Adrienne didn't want to sponge off her parent's wealth.

In terms of personal income, Eunice was without a proper job, and Freya's farmhouse was more of a place for entertainment than a place to earn money. So, Adrienne was better off than them since she had a stable job, but she still couldn't afford to buy branded goods.

"Adrienne, why aren't you buying anything?" Eunice suddenly asked.

"Nothing has caught my eyes yet." It was true that she hadn't seen anything that she liked. Nonetheless, in Eunice's eyes, the only reason Adrienne wasn't buying anything was she couldn't afford it.

Upon realizing that, Eunice wanted to humiliate her. "I don't think I've seen you browse through anything. So how do you know whether you like it or not? When it comes to buying clothes, you have to try them on. You will only know if you like it after trying them on."

Adrienne smiled and did not intend to tango with her.

Eunice said again, "Adrienne, are you okay? It doesn't matter if you're tight with money, I can buy it for you if you like it."

"Eunice, what's with the 'tight with money' and 'I can buy it for you'? Do you think that Adrienne would actually care about such a small sum of money?" Freya glared at Eunice discontentedly. "The clothes here are too old- fashioned, and it doesn't suit Adrienne. Adrienne, let's go to the next store."

Freya dragged Adrienne into a store which carried a younger style of design. The store was filled with dresses. The colors were bright, and the design was simple and elegant. The fabric was comfortable to the touch too, which Adrienne really took a fancy on.

However, she rarely had outings and wore only her working uniform during work. She wouldn't be able to wear it often even if she bought it. In addition, that store was of a famous brand, and Adrienne didn't even have to look at the price tag to gauge how much one dress would cost. It would probably cost an arm and a leg.

Eunice was right. She really couldn't bring herself to squander that amount of money.

Freya also saw through her thoughts. She said thoughtfully, "Adrienne, take your time and browse through it. If you find something you like, then buy it; otherwise, we can just go to another store. Our purpose here is to make ourselves happy, it's not a competition."

Adrienne nodded. "Okay, I'll take my time. You should do that too."

"Okay." Given that Freya was a regular customer of that store, the staff led her to an area with clothes that suited her style.

Seeing that Freya was away from Adrienne, she approached her and told the staff who was serving Adrienne, "Bring your latest collection for me to try on."

The staff who had been enthusiastically serving Adrienne immediately turned to Eunice and said, "Okay, Miss Johnston."

Adrienne was speechless.

Each of the staff was as smart as a whip. They were able to know with a mere glance whether the customer who just entered had brought with them the desire to purchase goods.


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