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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1906

"Alright, I'll stay with you, I won't go anywhere." Jefferson patted her back and coaxed her to sleep like she was a child. To his surprise, that method worked wonders, as Adrienne slid into deep slumber not long after.

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, Jefferson's heart was full. He couldn't help tightening his embrace, whispering, "Little idiot, how can someone take your Jeff away from you? In my life, I will be your one and only."

"Mm." It was as if Adrienne had heard him in her dreams, she mumbled in reply and burrowed back into his embrace.

• • •

Adrienne slept for hours on end, but was woken up by a delicious aroma.

Stretching, she opened her eyes in a daze. That was when she saw a magnified handsome face. It frightened her so much that she immediately rolled away. "Do you know how scary it is to see your face the first thing I open my eyes?"

"Am I really as scary as you make it out to be?" Jefferson asked as he lifted the quilt and pulled her out of bed. "It's time to get up and eat."

Adrienne said feebly, "But I still want to sleep."

Jefferson pinched her nose and said, "You haven't had a proper meal today. Besides, you should eat after an intense workout. You can go back to sleep after that."

"You're so bossy!" Adrienne head-butted him and said, "You control everything I do. I don't have any freedom at all."

Jefferson said, "Oh, I can be even more bossy, do you want that?"

"No!" Knowing what he was planning in his mind, Adrienne was determined not to give him any chance to do so. She quickly got out of the bed, put on her clothes and room slippers, and ran to the dining room in a panic.

Jefferson followed suit and sat beside her. He said, "I made these dishes for you myself. Did I do a good job?"

Adrienne looked at the dishes on the table. Appearance wise, they passed, but she doubted Jefferson could cook such dishes. "Mr. Hefner, did you really prepare these by yourself?"

"If not me, then who? You?" Jefferson reached out and gave her a bowl of soup. "Here, drink this. Tell me if it's good."

"It looks good." Adrienne took a small sip, and it tasted much better than she had expected. She took another mouthful and asked, "Mr. Hefner, are you really sure that you cooked this yourself?"

"Is there a problem with that?" It seemed that it was not wrong to ask his mother for help when it came to cooking soup.

"Tell me the truth, Mrs. Yard cooked this, right?"

"My mom is out with her friends today, she doesn't have the time to cook this for us." Jefferson smiled and said, "But what you said is some sort of a compliment to me. I'm very happy to hear that."

"Did you really cook this yourself?" Adrienne asked.


Adrienne took a bite of the other dishes and chomped on it as she commented, "Not bad."

Seeing that Adrienne was eating delightfully, Jefferson was happy too. The three- hour effort that he had put into cooking them was totally worth it.

"You should eat too." Adrienne picked up some food for him. "Jeff, I find that you're getting so much sweeter these days. It's starting to seem like you really like me. Make sure you keep letting me feel your love for me like this, okay?"

"As long as you're willing to." Jefferson said as he wiped the sauce left on the corner of Adrienne's lips. Staring at her with his gentle eyes, he found that Adrienne was so adorable that he couldn't help but want to dote on her more.

After finishing the meal, Adrienne put down her utensils and burped contentedly. "Mr. Hefner, tell me, how did you manage to cook all these by yourself."

"What do you mean by 'how did I manage to cook all these by myself'?" Jefferson asked.


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