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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1929

Stephen's smile stretched from ear to ear.

"You know how she is. But what does it matter if she doesn't want to admit it? Like I said, it is a fact that I'm her father and she's my daughter. No one can change that."

"Shut up!" Jefferson balked at the thought of Adrienne finding out the truth.

Knowing her stubborn nature, she might even take her own life to compensate for what her father had done. Jefferson felt his scalp tingle; he did not dare to think about it any further.

"I believe Adrienne doesn't know that you're here to meet me today," Stephen continued.

As Adrienne's father, Stephen knew how deeply Jefferson loved Adrienne. He was confident that Jefferson could not bear to let Adrienne find out the truth. That was why Stephen dared to meet Jefferson that openly.

"Aren't you ashamed to have her know everything you have done in the past two years?" asked Jefferson coldly.

Stephen went over to the sofa and sat down. Then, he took a couple of sips from the tea that Ninetina had brewed before speaking, "You being here all by yourself simply proves that you care about Adrienne very much. You don't want her to find out what I've done and that you want to talk things out with me. In that case, let's stop wasting any more time. Take a seat and let's have a good chat."

Jefferson had never concealed his feelings for Adrienne. He never questioned it when others saw through those feelings. However, he never expected Adrienne's own father to use those feelings against him.

Jefferson did not reply, so Stephen continued, "You love Adrienne, and your heart aches for her. You don't want her to go though even the slightest harm. However, if my identity is exposed, she'll know that I faked my death two years ago, as well as all the unspeakable things I've done since then..."

At this point, Stephen's smile stretched broader. He paused and then said, "Knowing her stubborn and righteous nature, she will never be able to accept what I've done. I'm guessing that if she finds out, she will probably die in a fit of rage."

"Sheridan, I'm warning you, I don't care who you are now. If you dare to hurt Adrienne, I'll turn your death into a reality! I'll turn you into a real dismembered corpse." Sitting opposite Stephen, Jefferson punched the table. "You should know what kind of person I am."

How could Sheridan, or 'Stephen' as he went by now, be that ruthless to his own daughter? He was a monster. All his crimes for the past two years were no surprise at all at that moment.

"Jefferson, what are you talking about? Adrienne is my only child. I love her too much to be able to hurt her. I just want you to realize my current identity, as well as the harm that it might bring to Adrienne. The decision whether she lives a good life or a hellish one has always been in your hands, not mine."

Although Stephen claimed that he loved Adrienne, there was no trace of affection in his eyes. He only loved himself. Adrienne was nothing more than a pawn to execute his plans.

"It's in my hands? Huh..." Jefferson sneered as he looked at Stephen.

Before going there, Jefferson was confident that he would be able to persuade Stephen to turn himself in. He thought to himself that even if Stephen didn't want to do it for himself, he would at least do it for Adrienne.

But at that time, Jefferson realized he had been foolish. If Stephen actually cared about Adrienne, he would never have faked his death in the first place.

Stephen added, "If you make the right choice, not only can you protect Adrienne, you can even get evidence that someone had framed Quill and Freya. You could then prove their innocence."

Jefferson stared at him for a long time before continuing slowly, "Do you know what Adrienne has gone through the past couple years since your supposed death? Do you know that she's never had a good nights' sleep since then? Do you know, even in her dreams, she cries and screams about saving you and her mother? She's such a gentle girl, but she has never thought about giving up looking for the murderer who killed you... But now, it seems like everything she has done so far is nothing more than a huge joke."


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