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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1949

"Let's go to the cemetery first. I want to talk to my mom."

Adrienne requested softly as she looked at the passing scenery.

She was born and raised in Chatterton Town. All her relatives and friends were there. She always thought that she was familiar with the city, but she felt like she had never known this place at all just then.

The streets were crowded with people and cars. On both sides, there were skyscrapers, which she would see every day when she got off work. However, everything felt so surreal at that moment. It was as if she was dreaming, draining every ounce of energy left in her body.

She was trying her best to hold on, but she was running out of strength. She felt that she couldn't hold on any longer.

At that moment, a warm, large hand reached out to hold her hand and squeeze it tightly. "Adrienne, I'm here."

That's right. Jefferson was here!

He had always been.

Ever since she was born, he had always been by her side.

Nonetheless, she didn't forget the time he was not by her side. He was not there when she was at her most helpless period and when she was having nightmares day and night.

He was gone for nearly two years and had only returned this year. When he came back to her side, he tricked her to marry him and make her his wife.

Yes, she was already his wife, and he was her husband. He gave her strength, warmth and reassurance that no one else could give her.

Since childhood, she had relied on him and was used to his protection. No matter what happened, as long as Adrienne knew he was there, as long as she heard his voice, as long as she could sense his breath, even in the cold, she would feel comforted and at ease.

The feeling of warmth and security she felt with him made her crave for him. Even so, she was afraid. Adrienne was worried that he might disappear from her life again one day. She was scared he would be nowhere to be found when she really needed him, and that she wouldn't be able to handle being alone.

However, she was also well aware that other than herself, there was no one else in this world who she could rely on, not even her closest family.

At that thought, Adrienne withdrew her hand frantically. Without looking at him, she urged, "Focus on driving. Safety first."

Jefferson did not speak again, but looked at her with immense worry in his eyes.

About half an hour later, they arrived at the cemetery.

Jefferson stopped the car and wanted to go down with Adrienne.

Adrienne, however, looked at him indifferently as she said, "I want to talk to Mom alone. You can wait for me here."

If this was in the past, Jefferson would have said, "Do I have to wait here just because you tell me to? I want to go with you. What are you going to do about it if I insist?"

Yet, this time, he nodded. "Okay."

Adrienne tried hard to squeeze a smile at him. "Thank you!"


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