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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1958

Jefferson thought that Maxwell would use all means to make him stay so that they could spend more time together.

Surprisingly, he had barely even sat down before Maxwell began chasing him away.

He stood by the windows of the airport, staring up into the sky.

The sky was clear blue, with white, fluffy clouds scattering in it.

Most people would feel rejuvenated at the sight of such weather.

But at that moment, Jefferson felt as if there was a void in his heart, which made him feel particularly uneasy.

Adrienne had been gone for fifteen days now.

For those fifteen days, he had not heard anything about her.

He had no idea if she would be down this path he was currently trekking.

When he thought of that cruel woman...

He couldn't wait to hoist her back and teach her a lesson.

At Blossom Ville.

The morning sunshine spilled in, warming the room.

Adrienne opened her eyes and was about to get up. However, after getting up halfway, she flopped back in bed.

It had slipped her mind that it was the weekend. There were no classes that day and that was a perfect opportunity to sleep in.

She turned over lazily and was ready to resume her sleep. However, a loud voice suddenly came from outside, "Miss Carter, are you home?"

So jarring was the voice that Adrienne felt like the walls were shaking, down to the spider webs. All the sleepiness she felt was suddenly swatted away.

She immediately grabbed her coat and put it on. She got up, opened the window and leaned out halfway. "Phoebe, why are you looking for me so early in the morning?"

Outside the wooden house, Phoebe lifted the basket in her hand and said with utter excitement, "I just picked some fresh veggies and I wanted to give you some. I hope you don't mind it."

Adrienne quickly turned around and fetched some change from her wallet. Opening the door, she went out. She took the vegetables from Phoebe and gave the money to her. 'TH take them, but you have to accept my money in return."

Anxious, Phoebe shoved the money back into Adrienne's hand. "Miss Carter, these were from our farm and it's not worth much. How can I take your money? No can do."

"Phoebe, if you won't take my money, I won't take your veggies either." Adrienne took Phoebe's hands in hers. "Even though they aren't worth much, you grew them yourself. It makes me uneasy to think that I'm eating your food for free all the time."

"Miss Carter, you came to our village to teach our children. So what's wrong with taking some food we have to offer? To tell the truth, I don't quite like the way you've put it." Phoebe's voice was rather loud, which garnered the attention of the nearby villagers.

Through Adrienne's eyes, Baldrick Black could tell that she was asking for his help, He came over in a hurry and Adrienne greeted him, "Mr. Black..."

Baldrick was old, and he was in poor health. Though he walked much slower than the average person, his steps were still steady.

He took the money from Phoebe and handed it back to Adrienne. "Miss Carter, we know that you came from a big city and you don't lack these measly coins. But we really can't accept this money."

Adrienne felt helpless. "Mr. Black, how can I..."

Baldrick interrupted her, "The villagers here don't have much money, but we have plenty of home-grown vegetables. We can still afford to give you these veggies as a gift."

Adrienne fumbled for an explanation, but Baldrick did not give her a chance to speak. "Although we have never been out of this mountain in our life, we know how to repay an act of gratitude."

"And please let me make things clear right here. For every day you teach in our village, we will provide you with our home-grown vegetables. You came here to teach voluntarily, so what's wrong with eating some of our vegetables?"

The other villagers, who gathered around, echoed, "That's right, Miss Carter, you teach our kids how to read and write, so how could we take your money? We are not ungrateful people."


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