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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1977

"Sierra, when have you ever held back on me anyway?" Johan's hands had clenched into fists, and his eyes locked on her face.

"I..." Sierra tripped over her words for a moment. It was true that she had never held back when it came to Johan.

Johan's gaze was still the same, yet Sierra felt that something was different from before.

She used to think that she understood him. However, the way he looked at her just then made her feel like she didn't know him at all.

What on earth was he trying to say to her with that complicated look in his eyes?

It was as if...

Sierra was shocked by the intrusive thought that sprang up in her mind. How could she let her imagination run wild even at times like this?

It wasn't like she hadn't put in any effort before, and it wasn't as though she hadn't experienced any hurt... However, just because she had run into him twice, her brain was starting to come up with such laughable ideas all over again.

How ridiculous...

Sierra shook her head vigorously in an attempt to get rid of those preposterous ideas and faced Johan with her usual composure.

However, all Johan did was stare at her. His gaze was intense, as if he was going to devour her alive.

Sierra's first instinct was to draw back, but his gaze alarmed her into halting her tracks.

There was a long silence between them.

Just as Sierra thought that Johan wouldn't speak again, he slowly closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, the emotions in his eyes had been hidden away. Sierra could no longer tell if he was angry.

He said in a leveled tone, "Sierra, for certain things, there will be no end once it starts. It's you who started this between us but I will be the one deciding when it will end."

Johan deliberately emphasized the latter as he spoke. Hearing these words, Sierra trembled slightly as she questioned, "What- what do you mean?"

Johan parted his lips once again. "Exactly what I said." "You mean it's not up to me to decide on our divorce, but you?" Sierra looked at Johan solemnly. It didn't seem like he was trying to be petty with her, so why was he doing that?

Was it because she was the one who forced him into the marriage, so he refused to let her go?

"You've always been a smart person, aren't you?" After saying so, Johan turned and left.

Sierra didn't know whether it was a compliment, so she didn't know what to reply. It was only when Johan was long gone that she finally came to her senses. She muttered, "Johan, why are you doing this?"

She really didn't understand. Getting back at her by not letting her go, what good would that do him?

He obviously didn't love her, and she was not willing to chase after him anymore. Wasn't it for the better to trod their separate ways from now on?

Why was he unwilling to move on?

"Miss Yard, Mr. Silas is going to Chatterton Town for a business trip. He will be back in three days." Alexis came up to Sierra and informed her. Then, he quickly went to catch up to Johan.

Sierra became even more confused at that instant!

She didn't want to get involved in Johan's affairs at all, so why would his assistant tell her that?


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