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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1980

Jefferson expressed his disapproval, but Adrienne insisted that there was nothing wrong with her body, so their tradition was carried out as usual.

Bruce happily invited everyone to the car and drove them to their destination.

All of them were close friends and they hadn't seen each other for a while. It was only natural for them to miss each other. On the way there, they chatted happily.

Hanging out with these childhood friends was always the time Adrienne could truly be herself.

On their way back from the airport, Adrienne and Freya had been chatting non-stop. It even seemed like they did not plan to stop talking after they had reached their destination.

The two of them were not only chatting, but also holding hands. They were so close that Jefferson had almost gone mad with jealousy.

At that moment, he wished that he just could rush up to them and pull Freya away from Adrienne so that he could hold that little idiot's hand himself.

Fortunately, Jefferson still had some sense of


He understood Adrienne. She hadn't seen Freya for such a long while, so they must have had a lot of catching up to do.

Though he understood that, he still shot a sharp glance at Freya from time to time, hoping that Freya would take the hint.

However, Freya, who was typically sharp, seemed to be out of it that day as she completely missed out on Jefferson's ferocious gaze.

While the two women babbled away, the men busied themselves too. They drank and sang, turning the atmosphere lively in no time.

Tommy raised his glass and said, "Guys, let's have a toast. I wish everyone all the best in the future!"

As all of them proceeded to raise their glasses, Adrienne poured herself a glass of orange juice and addressed them, "Thank you, everyone, for always taking care of me. A toast to all of you."

"Little Specky, it's just us here. Don't down your drink. Sip on it slowly." Jefferson was worried about Adrienne's so he got up and tried to grab the glass from her.

Bruce went ahead to stop him, saying, "Jefferson, take a closer look. It's just orange juice."

Jefferson kept quiet, and soon the banter started up again while Adrienne and Freya simply hid in a corner and whispered among themselves.

However, Jefferson would still look at Adrienne from time to time. Freddy couldn't stand it anymore so he said, "Jefferson, there are only us here, yet your eyes are still glued onto Adrienne. It's not like any of us here will do anything to her."

Jefferson looked at Freddy coldly. "What do you know?"

"What do you mean by that? Mind you, my wife hasn't talked to me ever since she met Adrienne. I too have been left behind, alright." Freddy filled their glasses and patted his chest. "But I understand why they are being like this though. They haven't met up in such a long time. They must have a lot to talk about. So let's just let them catch up with each other while we stay here in case they're in need of us. Don't you think so?"

Bruce continued, "Jefferson, Freddy's right. Let's drink. Adrienne is just right here. No one would dare to take her away under your watch."

"That's right, Jeff. You should listen to Freddy and Bruce. Since we're already out here, all of use should have fun. Don't worry about me. I know how to take care of myself." Adrienne added from the corner.

Jefferson was always watching out for Adrienne, and she was always cognizant of him too so she inevitably picked up on their conversation.

Adrienne's words proved that she hadn't forgotten him completely. Jefferson eased up a little and said, "If you're tired, let me know."

"These are our best friends. Would I still hide it if I was tired?" Adrienne smiled and pursed her lips. "You do you, just have fun."

Jefferson knew that Adrienne wasn't the type to mess around. After her repeated assurance, Jefferson finally let loose, drinking and singing happily.


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