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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 207

"The famous actress Polaris and the famous actor Zander Yew grew fond of each other after a film shoot, and on Zander Yew's birthday, the pair went back to Zander Yew's house together, staying the whole night."

As soon as the news was released, the popularity of Polaris and Zander Yew's names rose again and again, and soon rose to the headlines of all major websites.

Before the two actors came out to speak on this issue, the fans on both camps began to quarrel, claiming that it was the other party that wanted to steal the popularity of their idols.

There were some rational fans who commented that these were their private lives. Everyone should not interfere too much and only wish the best for their idols.

However, the rational fans' voices were too small, and soon they were suppressed. On the internet, it could be seen that the two camps of fans were at war with each other.

Zander Yew received a call from his agent. Before he could speak, he was scolded by his agent.

He had just become popular in the entertainment circle. At this time, he could be a couple with just anyone, but he couldn't let the news out that he had spent the night with someone.

Zander Yew was also so anxious that he didn't even know how to explain, because he did bring Polaris back to his apartment.

Although the two of them had not done anything inappropriate, no one would believe a single man and woman who had stayed in the same room for a whole night with nothing happening between them.

At this time, Zander Yew was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, while the actress, Polaris, was just lying on the sofa at home, eating fruits, browsing Twitter on her mobile phone, watching this fierce "war" like an outsider.

She muttered as she scrolled, "Neil Brown, keep on hiding from me! If you have the ability, hide from me for the rest of your life."

In the photos that were posted online, the first one seemed to be of Zander Yew who was kissing her, and the second one was Zander Yew on top of her and lay on the sofa, with half of her shoulders exposed. The third one and the fourth one were even worse...

Looking at these photos, Mia Kyle couldn't help praising the photographer. The photos looked so real that even she could be deceived.

Especially when she saw the hate comments on her account, Mia Kyle couldn't help but register a fake account and joined them to make a fuss for a while.

Everyone cursed her. The worse it was, the better. She had been scolded so badly by the netizens, and she had been "f*cked" by another man. Neil Brown would definitely not sit by and do nothing.

Even if he wanted to sit back and do nothing, Mia Kyle would not let him do so. She had already told Jacky Ball to call Neil Brown when the matter was boiling over.

However, she thought about it again and realized that Neil Brown was not an idiot. It was not easy for her to deceive him. She had to continue to play the game. The more vivid her acting was, the better it would be.

The first thing she did was to turn her mobile phone to flight mode so that Neil Brown couldn't get through to her phone. If he couldn't get through to her phone, he would be anxious, and then he would definitely come over to see her.

Secondly, she had to pretend to be miserable. First, she had to think of a way to make her eyes swollen, and then look like a mess.

The third thing was that she had to eat enough. Only when she was full could she have the strength to fight with this scumbag, Neil Brown.

Mia Kyle first had a big meal, then messed up her hair and smeared something on her face. She tried to make herself look miserable as much as possible.

After all the preparations, Mia Kyle turned around in front of the mirror and was very satisfied with her poor image. She took out her mobile phone and took a picture.

She came out and looked at Jacky Ball who was standing there silently. She poked him in the chest and said, "Hey, Jacky, if you continue to look at me with such a serious face, I will be unhappy."

"Polaris, once this news spreads out, your reputation will be ruined!" He exclaimed. Jacky Ball couldn't stop Mia Kyle's nonsense, so he protested silently.

"Don't worry about it. Call Neil Brown now!" Mia replied. As long as she could catch up with Neil Brown, Mia Kyle would not care about her reputation.


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