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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 235

All of a sudden, Kevin Kyle felt awkward.

Little Karen was not willing to go, and so Karen Daly was not willing too. It was obvious that Karen only wanted to see Little Karen, not him.

Kevin shook his head helplessly and said, "Little Karen, tomorrow, I will invite Big Karen to have lunch with us at noon."

"Daddy, if Big Karen goes I also want to go!" Hearing Big Karen would come, Little Karen immediately changed her mind. She held her father's head with her small hands and kissed him on his face.

Daddy was not that bad. He knew that she liked Big Karen, so he invited Big Karen to have lunch together. Daddy is awesome. The child thought to herself.

"Mr.Kyle, in that case, please tell Little Karen that I will meet her at noon tomorrow!" Karen's voice came from the other end of the phone, and then she hung up.

Kevin was upset.

There was no doubt that he had been ousted by Big Karen and Little Karen.


The next day.

When she arrived at the company early in the morning, Karen Daly received roses again.

There was a card on the bouquet, and a sentence was written on the card: [You are the wind, and I am the sand, I will be with you until the end of time! - Kevin Kyle.]

Karen was speechless.

She really wanted someone to tell her that this was not Kevin Kyle, not the mature and steady man she knew.

However, there was really no other man named Kevin Kyle around her.

After seeing the card, even if Little Karen would show up, she no longer wanted to have lunch with Kevin Kyle at noon.


I can send a message to Kevin Kyle saying that I have to work overtime at noon. Can't have lunch with him! Karen Daly thought.


Hector Cheng's voice came from the door. Karen Daly looked up and said, "Good morning, Director Cheng!"

Hector Cheng glanced at the roses on her desk and said, "Karen, let's have lunch together at noon."

"Okay, sure," Karen replied. She was worried that she could not find a suitable reason to refuse Kevin, and this reason came to her spontaneously.

Since her boss had invited her to lunch, there must be something important to discuss. She could not find any reason to refuse her boss!

After Hector Cheng left, Karen immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Kevin: Mr. Kyle, my boss has something to discuss with me at noon. I am sorry that I can't have lunch with you.

After sending the message, Karen Daly breathed a sigh of relief. Now she could focus on her work with a peace of mind.

When Karen Daly's text message arrived, Kevin Kyle was in a meeting in the conference room, listening to the final plan of a major project.

Seeing the two words "Karen Daly" displayed on the phone screen, the corners of Kevin Kyle's mouth twitched slightly. Everyone could see that the big boss was in a good mood.

However, just after their big boss finished reading the text message, everyone found that the atmosphere instantly became tense that it made everyone tremble.

Kevin Kyle raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Nick, how is the progress of the purchase plan of PM Corporation?"

Nick hurried to report, "President Kevin, Rovio's team is negotiating with the person in charge of PM Corporation. We should be able to hear good news the next weekend."

In fact, it was not so easy to buy a multinational company. It took a lot of time just to handle it.


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