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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 239

In the past two or three years, Karen Daly had not had a good night's sleep. Most of the time, she would be surprised by nightmares, so she slept late, hoping to sleep deeper as soon as she fell asleep.

However, it didn't work at all. As long as she closed her eyes, she would have all kinds of nightmares to pester her.

Today, she dreamed again. She dreamed of a lot of people in white coats holding needles and injecting unknown liquids into her body.

She struggled and resisted, but it was useless. It was as if there was an invisible net covering her. She could only allow those people to harm her.

"Karen Daly—"

In the darkness, a low voice was calling her name. It was a very familiar but far-away male voice.

As the voice sounded, a black figure came to her. The black figure was getting closer and closer. She wanted to reach out to grab him. Just as she was about to catch the black figure, a doctor-like man dragged her away and stabbed her with a big cylinder.

Karen Daly struggled and shouted, "No, don't..."

Just when she was at her most helpless, the cell phone next to her rang, like a bell ringing in heaven, pulling her out of her nightmare.

Karen was panting and was still in a state of shock. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and touched her mobile phone to answer the phone. "Hello?"

Her voice was still trembling and uncontrollable.

She didn't see clearly who was calling. She just felt that the call was too timely and pulled her out of the nightmare.

"Karen, it's Kevin."

The other party's deep voice came from the receiver, with a kind of reassuring calmness.

... It was Kevin Kyle again.

Karen vaguely remembered that when she had a nightmare a few days ago, it was Kevin who called her in time to pull her out of the nightmare, as if he had always known her situation.

Why did he always appear when she needed him?

She clearly knew that in that man's eyes, she was just a substitute for his previous wife... However, when she heard his deep and cello-like voice, she could not help but feel reassured, as if there was a light in the dark night as if there was a warm embrace in the cold winter.

She took a deep breath and tried to talk to him in a calm tone. She didn't know why she didn't want the man to see through her thoughts. "It's so late. What's the matter?" She asked.

"I just wanted to hear your voice, so I called you!" The man said. His voice was so gentle. "Did I disturb you?"

"No..." Karen answered softly. It was after two o'clock in the morning. The world was dark and quiet, and all the sounds became very clear in the night, such as the calm breathing of the man on the other end of the phone.

Karen Daly suddenly wanted to laugh. It was the middle of the night, and yet he did not sleep, but just called her on the phone... Was it a coincidence? Or did he really know that she was having a nightmare?

"Kevin," she couldn't help calling his name.

"I'm here." The other side answered with calming certainty.

Karen Daly sat on the bed, raised her head slightly, looked at the darkness before her eyes, and couldn't help but smile. "Are you monitoring me? Why do you always appear in such a timely manner?"

Her tone was brisk, a little delicate, but mostly playful.

However, she did not know that her words made Kevin Kyle's heart thump.

He was indeed monitoring her. Just a few days ago, he realized that she would have nightmares. Although he knew that it would be suspicious if he kept calling her at the right time, he still couldn't help but call her.

Even if I can't hold you in my arms and drive away the darkness for you, I hope you can have a moment of peace. Kevin thought.

However, I hope that I can come back to you as soon as possible.


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