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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 252

How sad would it be for someone who lost all her memories of the past?

But as she spoke, Karen Daly smiled again, which was still her usual gentle smile. Her eyebrows were slightly raised, her lips curved upwards a little. Her faint smile was very beautiful.

In the past, Kevin Kyle had always thought that her smile was beautiful. It was not until today that he understood that this was a smile that only existed if she was true to herself.

Looking at her smile, Kevin Kyle felt his heart shatter, but it was no longer a new feeling to him.

"Karen Daly, your father doesn't know you, but I know you. I know how insecure and afraid you are," he said.

Because he was also afraid just like her. He was afraid that he would never be able to find her again in his life. For countless nights, he had to rely on medicine to fall asleep.

"You know me?" Karen Daly shook her head, revealing a bitter smile. The person he knew was his "Karen Daly", not her.

"Karen Daly, trust me." It seemed that she had returned to the past. At that time, she did not believe that he could deal with Charlie Gook, and now she also did not believe that he could understand the pain she was going through.

"Can I really trust you?" She was still asking, but in Karen Daly's heart, she told herself to believe in him. He was worthy of her trust.

Suddenly, Karen Daly thought of the image that suddenly appeared in her mind when she went shopping today. She thought of that image of Kevin Kyle in her mind.

Kevin Kyle in her mind was wearing the same glasses as this Kevin Kyle, and his height and figure looked almost the same. The only difference was that Kevin Kyle in her mind was wearing a silver-gray suit while the one that was holding her was wearing a white shirt.

Kevin Kyle?

Why did that image pop up?

Karen Daly still wanted to think deeper, but her body was getting more and more uncomfortable, and she was getting more and more afraid, anxious, and weak. Many invasive thoughts were attacking her, making her feel afraid and insecure.

She wanted to just hug Kevin Kyle tightly and playfully bite him -

With this idea in mind, she acted faster than her thoughts. She opened her mouth and playfully bit Kevin Kyle's shoulder instead. She bit him through his thin white shirt. She was like a little wild beast.

Not long later, the bright red blood stained Kevin Kyle's white shirt, and at the same time, Karen Daly may have tasted his blood.

However, she did not stop. She was still biting him like she was venting her loneliness and fear to him.

As the bright red blood flowed more and more, it slowly stained his white shirt more.

It was very painful, but Kevin Kyle didn't even flinch and willingly let her bite him.

Compared to the fact that she had her child removed forcefully, and that she had lost her past memories or the tough life she had lived in the past three years, his pain when she bit him was nothing.

He got in the car with Karen Daly in his arms. After gesturing for the driver to drive off, he looked down at her in his arms, and his eyes were as gentle as the moonlight shining above her head.

Not only did he endure through the pain, he even reached out and gently stroked her head, as if he was comforting a wounded little beast.

"Karen—" I won't let you be afraid anymore. I won't let you bear the loneliness in the night alone. Never again. Kevin spoke in his mind.

After a long time, they were almost home. Karen Daly had let go of Kevin Kyle, but she also fell asleep in Kevin Kyle's arms because she was too tired.

Kevin Kyle held her tightly in one hand and gently stroked her brows with the other hand. He called her name in his heart.


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