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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 254

Karen Daly had to admit that Kevin Kyle was really good at flirting with girls.

He made her blush and could speed up her heartbeat by just saying a few words.

She quickly lowered her head and ate her breakfast seriously. She pretended like she didn't ask for anything earlier, and pretended that she didn't hear anything.

However, Kevin Kyle did not want to give up so easily. He continued, "It has nothing to do with anyone else. I just want to pursue you."

Karen Daly, "..."

This man—

He was always so straightforward that he'd catch her by surprise...

"Daddy likes both Karens now." Little Karen also spoke for her father in time.

Never assume that a child would not understand these things because Little Karen seemed like she did. Just by looking at her father's expression, Little Karen could tell that her father was very happy with Big Karen. She would also be very happy if her father was happy.

Karen Daly, "..."

Not only did this man, Kevin Kyle, make her speechless, but he managed to recruit Little Karen on his team.

Little Karen added, "Of course, I want Big Karen to be my mother."

It sounded strange that Little Karen would say this at such a young age. Karen Daly looked at Kevin Kyle with some dissatisfaction. Love was an adult's business. How could he take advantage of the child?

"Little Aunt said that my mother flew back from the sky, and now I will have a mother." Little Karen had long forgotten that when her aunt had said this to her, she also specifically asked for Little Karen to keep this a secret.

After listening to Little Karen's words, Karen Daly felt bad in her heart. She could not disappoint this child at all, but she really had to.

Little Karen would grow up anyway. In the future, she would understand that no matter how much she looked like her mother, Karen Daly would not be able to replace her biological mother.


Karen Daly stayed on in Secret Garden, and the reason was very simple. She devoted herself to design matching outfits for Kevin Kyle's family.

Kevin Kyle went to work and Little Karen went to Kindergarten. Mia Kyle didn't come back during this time. In the large compounds of Secret Garden, she was the only person in the house beside the domestic helpers. She didn't even have a single person to talk with.

There was an art room beside their house. The art room was made from transparent glass, and there were all kinds of tools for painting. It's obvious that they were all prepared by Kevin Kyle.

When Karen Daly went in the master bedroom for the first time previously, and there was also an art easel in the room. She understood that these things must have been prepared by Kevin Kyle for his wife.

They had the same name, same face, and now even their hobby was the same. The images from Karen Daly's missing memories and the scar on her abdomen appeared in Karen Daly's mind from time to time these days—

"No matter how I look at it, this is definitely not a coincidence. Does Kevin Kyle think I am the "Karen Daly" that passed away?" Karen wondered.

Thinking of this, Karen Daly suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and she clenched her fists.

She told herself that she could not hide in her shell as she did in the past and pretended that nothing happened.

She must find a way to get her own memories back. Even if the memories of the past were not good for her, it was still a part of her past. She had to get her memories back, then only she would feel at ease.

But how should she do it?


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