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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 276

Because she wanted to take care of Little Karen better, because she wanted to quickly regain her past memory, and because she wanted to return to Kevin Kyle and Little Karen as Mrs. Kyle badly...

Karen Daly's perseverance in her drug rehabilitation was stronger than anything else. For a few days in a row, she did not experience any relapse, and her mental condition had improved a lot.

A Children's Day celebration was coming up in a couple of days, and Karen Daly was finishing up the clothes she made for Little Karen.

Because it was her first time making clothes for her daughter, Karen Daly really put in a ton of effort.

She made two beautiful dresses and a suit, so that Little Karen would have more fashion choices. She could either be a beautiful little princess or act like a handsome boy.

Karen Daly held the clothes and couldn’t stop looking at them. She could already imagine how cute Little Karen would look when she wore them.

Every time she thought about how she was the one who gave birth to Little Karen, Karen Daly felt an immense warmth.

She was not alone. She had her own child, Little Karen.

Just as Karen Daly was engrossed in her thoughts, the phone beside her started to buzz. She shook off her thoughts and saw the most familiar contact number on the phone screen—Father.

She didn't want to answer the phone, but after some consideration, she decided that she wanted to hear what Samuel Daly had to say, so she picked up the call.

As soon as Karen Daly answered the phone, she heard Samuel Daly speak with concern, "Karen, I am back. You are not at home nor at the company. Where did you go? I'm very worried about you."

If she didn’t know that she was drugged by him, Karen Daly would have been deceived by the kind act Samuel Daly was putting on.

Karen Daly used to feel so happy every time she heard Samuel Daly’s voice. While she had lost her memory and everything in the past, there was still a father who cared so much about her and stayed by her side to give her strength.

But now, Karen Daly only found his voice to be fake and hollow. She didn’t even care much to respond.

"What's wrong, Karen? Why aren’t you speaking? Are you unwell?" Samuel Daly kept asking, demonstrating his concern for Karen Daly.

Karen Daly took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine. What can I do for you?"

Karen Daly’s unaffectionate reply proved Samuel Daly’s suspicion. Karen Daly mentioned losing her medicine when they were on the phone a few days ago, she probably already knew that he had added morphine to her medication.

After figuring that out, Samuel Daly said, "Karen, since I'm back. shouldn’t you come home?"

Karen Daly thought for a while. There were some things that she wanted to ask him face to face. After a moment of silence, she replied, "I'll go back soon."

Karen Daly washed and hung Little Karen’s new clothes, then packed up some clothes to go over to Samuel Daly’s house.

When she got there, Karen Daly could already smell the broth from the doorstep, much like in the past.

She used to be elated smelling this, but now she felt like Samuel Daly was only doing this to get something from her, and not actually because he cared for her.

With the others like Kevin Kyle and Faye Reed, she could feel that they cared for her sincerely. It was very different with her father.

Women have very accurate sixth senses, and Karen Daly believed in her own sixth sense. Just like how she felt Little Karen was familiar at first sight.


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