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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 298

Karen Daly didn’t expect that Little Karen would accept her as her mother so quickly. She felt an indescribable warmth and satisfaction.

In the evening, Kevin Kyle and Karen Daly accompanied Little Karen to sleep. When Karen opened her eyes in the morning, she would see Little Karen beside her, and Kevin Kyle reading newspapers by the window. And Kevin would greet her gently and give her a sweet smile.

This carried on for many days. Although it was a simple life, it was very peaceful.

Over the next few days, Karen Daly managed to remember many things of the past.

For example, she remembered Faye Reed and how they went to school together. She also remembered Charlie Gook and Kristine Daly's betrayal, and then her coming to Chatterton Town with Faye Reed.

However, she still couldn’t remember anything concrete about what happened after they came to Chatterton Town. There would be some snippets or flashes of her memories, but that was all.

Perhaps the reason why she couldn't remember was that Kevin Kyle had told her too much, and what he said had already merged with her memory. She couldn't tell which ones were her memories and which ones were the information she had heard from others.

Thinking of this, Karen Daly sighed silently. Both Kevin Kyle and Little Karen were not at home. She would always be bored at home during these times.

Every time when she got bored, her only choice was to sit in the drawing-room and paint. She would try her best to play out her imagination and paint out her inner self.

Ever since she knew that she was Kevin Kyle's wife and Little Karen’s mother, Karen Daly started to design matching suits and dresses for the three of them.

Kevin Kyle said that they hadn’t had a wedding before. He said they could have a wedding after she regains her memory or whenever she’s willing to.

Although Kevin Kyle was indeed her husband, Karen Daly wanted to regain her memory first before having the wedding.

Weddings are so sacred and romantic that she didn't want her wedding to be carried out when her memory was still incomplete.

She would want to wait until she remembers her past with Kevin Kyle. Besides, she had to design their outfits before planning the wedding anyway.

Just as Karen Daly was absorbed in her thoughts, the housekeeper knocked on her door, "Miss Daly, the Old Master is here. He would like to speak with you in the living room."

"Old Master?" Karen Daly thought for a moment and then asked, "Kevin’s grandfather?"

"Yes, it’s him," Sarabelle answered respectfully.

Kevin Kyle had mentioned his grandfather before, but he did not say anything specific. She only knew that he was the one who gave Kevin Kyle her supposed ‘urn’ when Kevin came back from his business trip.

She was still alive. Where did Old Master Kyle even get her ‘urn’ and ashes from?

It was obvious that there was something strange about this matter, but Karen Daly has yet to regain her memories of the past. She couldn’t tell what happened.

In Karen Daly's current memory, there was no such person as the Old Master. When she heard that he was looking for her, she instinctively wanted to reject him. However, he was her senior in the family, so she had no reason to refuse him if he wanted to see her.

Karen Daly nodded, "I'll pack up and go right away."

"Okay." After receiving the order, Sarabelle left the room.

Since the time that Kevin Kyle gathered all the helpers at home and gave them a lecture, everyone treated Karen Daly with the most utmost respect. No one neglected or defied her.

Sarabelle even regarded Karen Daly as the hostess of the household, she treated her as well as she treated Kevin Kyle.


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