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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 365

Warren wasn't so sure anymore when he heard Kevin's words and looked at his calm expression plus somber eyes.

Although Assistant Hart had been with him for many years and his execution had always been perfect, but one shouldn't underestimate Kevin Kyle's capability.

If Kevin's daughter hadn't been rescued, he wouldn't be as calm as he was at the moment. He wouldn't be beating around the bush with him here.

Because of Warren Silas's suspicion that the hostage in his hands had been rescued, he suddenly had a strong sense of uneasiness. He repetitively loosened his grips and tightened them.

The hostage was rescued, the evidence to prove his identity and the murder crime he had committed were all in Kevin's hands.

In other words, the tables had been turned, and now everything was in Kevin's grip... How could he let Kevin succeed?

Instead of being threatened by Kevin, he thought it would be better to take action first and get rid of Kevin. In this way, he could continue to assume the identity of Old Master of the Kyle family.

Under Kevin's scrutiny, Warren took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Assistant Hart. "Hart, where is the child?"

Warren didn't verify with Assistant Hart, yet the crafty man had believed that Kevin had the ability to save his own child. But he couldn't totally be sure, so he called Assistant Hart.

Assistant Hart said something on the other end, and Warren's eyes instantly sank. A trace of panic flashed in his eyes for a split moment before it disappeared.

Warren hid his emotion very quickly, but it did not escape Kevin's sharp eyes. With a smirk, Kevin said, "How is it? Do you believe me now?"

Warren Silas was able to replace Grandpa Kyle and blend in with the Kyle family for so many years without being discovered. This meant his courage and ability were certainly unlike any other ordinary people.

Since he had lost the hostage and he could not threaten Kevin, but he still had other ways to give Kevin a blow.

He turned on the speaker of his phone, "Hart, I didn't hear what you said clearly just now, could you say it again?"

Assistant Hart's voice came from the mobile phone. "Old Master, the child was indeed rescued, but she was also injured, and the boy who saved her, hehe... I'm afraid he won't survive as well."

"How many times do I have to tell you before you can remember my words? That child is the bloodline of the Kyle family. You can't harm her, but you just don't listen." The words were pleasant, and the tone was full of sarcasm. Since the hostage was rescued, Warren could only use words to threaten Kevin.

Kevin Kyle's eyes darkened. Before coming in, he had confirmed that little Karen was fine, but he had forgotten to check on Lionel who had brought little Karen home. He didn't know how the kid was now.

Kevin looked at the face in front of him, it was almost the same as his grandfather's face he remembered from memory...It was hard for him to take action on Warren.

It was also because of the likeness of this face that they had never suspected that their grandfather had already been replaced for the past 20 years.

Kevin closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and forced himself to suppress the guilt of his grandfather's passing.

At this critical moment, it was definitely not the time to miss his grandfather, but to destroy Warren, who had replaced his grandfather.

When Kevin opened his eyes again, there was no more emotion in his eyes, what was left was a cold and piercing gleam. His sexy thin lips parted slightly, and he said coldly, "Warren, how do you think I should deal with you?"

"Deal with me?" Warren suddenly laughed hysterically and said in a harsh voice, "Kevin, do you really think that I would wait here for you to kill me, and not prepare for this at all?"

Kevin said with a faint smile, "There's no need to get my hands dirty for people like you."


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