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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 367

Mia Kyle shouted, "Brother, go now. Hurry! Go!"

"No one gets to leave." It was not Warren Silas who spoke, but Assistant Hart, who had just fired the gun.

Without waiting for Warren's command, he aimed his gun at Karen Daly's head. He pulled the trigger, and the bullet whistled out.

Mia screamed in fear, "No, don't...!"

Karen also saw the muzzle of Assistant Hart's gun aiming at them, he had pulled the trigger and the bullet was plummeting at a high speed towards them.

Without hesitation, she tried to push Kevin Kyle away to a safe distance. However, she didn't know whether it was because she was too weak or that Kevin's was too strong. She was being held tightly in Kevin's arms. At the crucial moment, Kevin blocked the bullet for her.

Kevin couldn't see clearly, but he seemed to hear the sound of bullets whizzing through the air. He turned around and held Karen firmly in his arms.

The bullet penetrated his body, causing him to lose his center of gravity, thus dragging Karen a few steps back.

"Kevin—" Karen clutched on to Kevin's waist, as warm liquid dripped on the back of her palm, and the strong smell of blood instantly filled the whole room.

"I'm fine. Don't worry."

He always said that he was fine and that he was okay... Even when he was in trouble. The bullet went into his body, and his blood was dying his white shirt red.

How could he be alright?

But this tough man gritted his teeth and said nothing. Did he really think that his body was made of iron, that he was indestructible?

Karen wanted to beat him up so that he wouldn't be so arrogant. She just wanted him to feel ordinary.

That he would take the medicine when he was sick, or learn to let go when he should...

"Shut up! Don't you talk anymore." Karen held his waist tightly and looked at the hateful Assistant Hart.

The worry on Karen's face faded away, and she looked hostile. Her eyes narrowed and eyebrows were tightly knitted together, displaying a vengeful intent.

Just as she was completely unprepared, Kevin put one arm around her waist and spun around quickly. His speed was so fast that before anyone could react, Kevin Kyle had come over to Warren Silas's side, with Karen Daly in tow.

He moved his long powerful arm and successfully wrapped his arm around Warren's neck. He hooked Warren with his arm and lifted him up.

Kevin said coldly, "Warren if you wish to live, get your people out of here!"

He was definitely not joking. If he exerted some more strength, he could break Warren's neck.

"Old Master..." Assistant Hart wanted to rush over, but he saw Kevin exerting more force on his arm. Warren's face turned purple and he had difficulty breathing.

"Come over if you dare!" Kevin said ruthlessly. Even if he couldn't see clearly, he was still able to distinguish the position of those people roughly.

His eyes narrowed under the gold-rimmed glasses. Even though he couldn't see clearly at the moment, his eyes were still as sharp as ever.

Death was a very scary word. Even if some people should have died a long time ago, or were prepared to die, they would still be scared of the impending death.

It took Warren a lot of effort to squeeze out a few words. "Hart, all of you retreat now!"

Assistant Hart was very reluctant, but he couldn't openly disobey Warren's order, and he couldn't ignore Warren's safety too.


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