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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 376

"Anyway, my Third Young Master is also the son of the president. It's not difficult for him to forge an identity. Yet it would be difficult for others to find out about him." Master Perth laughed half-heartedly.

"If you didn't create trouble in Chatterton Town, I can turn a blind eye. But if you cause any trouble, I don't care who you are at that time."

After saying that, Neil Brown left in his car. He didn't want to expose his thoughts to Master Perth.

Master Perth watched as Neil's car left and only looked away after a long time. His lips turned upwards and he smiled confidently and evilly.

Mia Kyle, oh no, her real name should be Mia Silas.

They were engaged and the engagement was arranged by the parents of both parties. He would never hand Mia over to someone else.

Master Perth looked up. From his position, he could see the window of Mia's room. Neil's detour from the front entrance to this place, proved that he had been guarding Mia downstairs countless time.

Master Perth looked up at the window and sat for a while. Then he drove away.

Shortly after Master Perth drove away, Neil, who had already left, drove his military vehicle back to the place.

Similarly, his eyes were fixed on a window on the 29th floor.

He had really hoped that the person he yearned to see would walk to the balcony casually so that he could at least see her figure.

However, after waiting downstairs for two hours, Mia didn't appear at the balcony as he had wished.


After returning home, Mia curled up on the sofa in the living room, and stared at a certain spot without batting an eyelid for a long time.

She curled up into a ball and hugged herself tightly.

The air conditioner was not switched on in the room. The weather was very hot, but she was cold and trembling.

She felt like an abandoned child unable to find her way home. She was not lost, but she had no home.

She stayed in the same posture without moving. Her legs were already numb, but she couldn't seem to feel it.

Compared to the pain in her heart, the numbness on her body was negligible.

She had wanted to pretend that nothing had happened and follow Master Perth back to Country A for a visit.

However, as soon as she got home and calmed down, those things that she didn't want to think about came flooding into her mind.

Her parents in the Kyle family had always loved her as if she were their own daughter.

Her mother had always liked to caress her head and said to her gently, "Mia, I hope you won't grow up so soon, so that you can stay with me for a few more years. When I miss you, I can see you anytime."

Her father was also the same. He often said to her, "Mia is a girl and a girl should be raised in a royal way."

Whenever she was in trouble, her father would say to her, "A boy's character should be more matured. A girl's character should be livelier. Everyone loves a lively child."

No matter what trouble she caused, in order not to prevent the cold brother from punishing her, her father would always think of a way to help her escape. Every time, it was her cold brother who was angry.

However, her cold brother was not really angry at her. He was a cold-tempered person, and he was not very close to anyone.

He had been raised based on the education of a typical son of the Kyle family. First of all, he had to learn self-discipline.


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