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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 385

"I want Grandpa to hug me." Little Karen blinked her big bright eyes and requested softly.

Children were very sensitive beings, they were able to read through a person's sincerity very quickly.

Grandpa and Grandma really loved Little Karen, so every time she saw her Grandpa and Grandma, she would be very happy and would be willing to come close to them.

Papa Kyle happily carried Little Karen and rubbed her head. Then, he gently wiped the tears from her eyes. "Then why don't you sleep with us tonight?"

"Okay, okay." With their company, the bad guys would not try to get close to her, so Little Karen figured it was safe.

The little baby girl was excited because she had not seen her grandparents for a long time. She played with her grandfather for a long time before falling asleep.

Little Karen fell asleep, but Papa Kyle and Mama Kyle couldn't fall asleep. They looked at their granddaughter and sighed.

Mama Kyle spoke with sadness, "It's all our fault for being careless for so many years. I didn't realize that my father had been replaced by someone else. Our daughter-in-law was ruthlessly hurt, but we were clueless. I pity our Little Karen, she only just reconciled with her mother after so long."

"The past has passed, and it's useless for us to blame ourselves. In the future, our Kyle family must treat Karen Daly well." Papa Kyle looked at Little Karen, who was sleeping soundly, and gently pinched her face. "And our granddaughter."

"Of course I will be good to Karen Daly and our precious granddaughter. You have to be kind to them as well." Mama Kyle lowered her head and kissed Little Karen's face. "Let's live in Chatterton Town in the future. We can take care of each other and our family when we are closer."

"Alright." Papa Kyle nodded. After a long silence, he said, "I'm more worried about Mia Kyle now."

Speaking of Mia Kyle, Mama Kyle was silent for a moment because she didn't know how to face Mia Kyle after she learns the truth.

Many years ago, she knew that father had dealt with a pair of spies from Country A before.

At that time, they were killed. She never knew that the pair of spies were Mia Kyle's birth parents.

She had grown up in Kyle family. They always loved her like she was their own child. Now that she knew the truth, she would definitely feel as bad as Neil Brown did.

Mama Kyle leaned into Papa Kyle's arms and whispered, "I miss Mia. I'm worried that she will blame me for everything."

"No matter what Mia thinks in her heart, I have to tell her that the Kyle family will forever see her as family. As long as she is willing, she will always be one of us. We can't control if she chooses to blame us regarding her parents.

Papa Kyle was a rational and sensitive person. When he faced Warren Silas, he could be merciless and push him into a desperate situation.

On the other hand, he loved his wife so deeply that he was willing to care so much for her. He too loved his children so much, and he especially cared for Mia Kyle like she was his own child.

"Hale ..."

"Go to sleep. It's getting late." Papa Kyle patted on Mama Kyle's back to reassure her.

At the same time, Papa Kyle also closed his eyes, but he did not sleep. He was thinking about a lot of things in his mind.

For example, how did Warren Silas get close to his father at that time, and how did he kill his father without anyone noticing?

Papa Kyle had to find out the truth about everything, so he could not hurt Warren Silas for the time being. He would like to discuss everything with his son after he wakes up.


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