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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 397

After dinner, Kevin Kyle went to his study room alone as he had some affairs to deal with.

Karen Daly was worried, but she couldn't monitor him constantly. She went to the bedroom with Little Karen instead.

Today, the family had a discussion to host a birthday party for Little Karen on the 28th. They would invite all their relatives over to their house for a gathering.

The purpose was to let everyone know that Kevin Kyle's wife, Karen Daly had come back, and also to tell everyone about what happened to Grandpa Kyle.

When Little Karen heard that the family was going to plan a birthday party for her, she was so excited that she asked her Brother Lionel to carry her and run around the yard.

Lionel treated Little Karen really well. No matter what she asked from him, he would play along willingly.

Little Karen did not have siblings. Kevin Kyle and Karen Daly would eventually get old. If Little Karen had a big brother like Lionel by her side, Karen Daly felt more reassured.

"Mom, I want to take a bath." Little Karen tugged at Karen Daly's clothes and looked up at her.

"Okay, I'll clean you up." Karen Daly walked Little Karen to the bathroom. She tested the temperature of the water as she filled up the bathtub, and then carried her into the bathtub carefully. "Little Karen, do you like having elder brothers and sisters?"

Little Karen didn't like younger siblings, but she liked Brother Lionel very much. Karen Daly thought, perhaps they could adopt several older children as older siblings for Little Karen instead. As long as there were a few more playmates with her, she would not be so lonely growing up.

"Yes I do," Little Karen replied softly.

Brother Lionel was good-looking and treated her the best. He would play with her and chase away bad guys for her. Hence, she definitely liked having Brother Lionel around.

Karen Daly pinched Little Karen's chubby face and said with a gentle smile, "Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

After taking a bath for Little Karen, Karen Daly held her and went back to the room to put her to bed. As soon as Little Karen was asleep, Kevin Kyle finally went back to his room after completing his work.

He walked very slowly, but every step he took appeared steady. If she didn't know the truth, Karen Daly absolutely couldn't tell that Kevin Kyle was almost blind.

She just watched him walking slowly towards her... Karen's heart ached with every step he took.

He didn't want her to worry, so she pretended not to know anything. However, every time she saw him struggle, she felt sad.

"Is Little Karen asleep?" Since his eyes could not see clearly, Kevin Kyle could not see Karen Daly's expression at all, so he did not notice anything unusual.

"What's wrong?" Karen Daly did not answer. Kevin Kyle looked at her vague figure and blinked his eyes. He wanted to see her clearly, but she still looked as vague as ever in his eyes.

"Kevin..." Calling out his name, Karen Daly rushed over and hugged him with her arms tightly wrapped around his thin waist.

"What's wrong? Are you going to hold me tight to act like a spoiled child-like Little Karen?" Kevin rubbed her head and chuckled.

"Kevin, stop pretending. I know you can't see clearly." Karen Daly really wanted to say that, but she swallowed her words back.

She didn't know whether she should tell him or just pretend that she didn't know.

"Kevin, do you have anything to tell me?" After thinking for a while, Karen Daly wanted to test his waters.

"Well? What do you want to hear?" Kevin Kyle lifted her chin up and looked at her affectionately.

He thought that he hid it well, but he felt tears dripping onto his hand, he suddenly understood Karen Daly's implied meaning behind her question.

It turned out that no matter how well he tried to disguise himself, he would not be able to escape her sharp eyes.

Kevin Kyle held her head up and he lowered his head to kiss her gently. "I can't see things clearly for the time being. It's not like I won't be able to see clearly for the rest of my life. If Little Karen sees you crying like this, she'll think that I'm bullying you."


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