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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 426

On the way home, Karen Daly had been thinking about the letters on the mug, but she couldn't come up with any clues.

In the end, she decided to ask for Kevin Kyle's help. Kevin was really smart and had solved the impossible before.

She would just ask him to solve the mystery for her, but she would not say that it was Amelia Gray's prescription for the cure. That way, he wouldn't be disappointed if he couldn't solve it.

After sending George Ken home, Karen Daly drove back to Secret Garden. Kevin Kyle called her before she could reach home.

Karen Daly did not drive often, so she was not very skilled at driving. Whenever she was driving, she couldn't be distracted. She was almost home, hence she did not pick up Kevin's phone call.

She didn't answer the call the first time. Kevin Kyle called again and again, and at the fourth call, Karen's car had arrived at the entrance of the house.

She handed the car to the security guard. When she was about to answer the phone call, she saw Kevin Kyle's tall figure standing not far away from her.

Kevin Kyle's face was gloomy. He stood still by the door and said nothing. It seemed that he was angry with her.

"I'm back." Because she had secretly gone to look for Amelia Gray behind Kevin Kyle's back, Karen Daly felt a little guilty so she tried her best to smile and look innocent.

Kevin Kyle didn't respond and still looked gloomy. Karen Daly couldn't tell what was he thinking about.

Karen Daly walked over and hugged him. She rested her head against his chest and said, "Kevin, I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Kevin Kyle kissed her aggressively.


Hearing a soft moan from Karen Daly, Kevin Kyle held her slender waist closer and kissed her more.

After a long time, he let her off and pinched her face hard. "If you do things that will worry me again, see what I will do to you."

"I'm sorry!" Karen Daly put her arms around his waist and apologized with a smile. She didn't look remorseful at all.

"Where did you go? Why didn't you bring the driver and the bodyguard?" Kevin Kyle found out that she was not at home and did not ask for the bodyguard and driver to go along with her. He was so worried, and hence he kept calling her.

If she had come back a few minutes later, he might have already deployed his men to search the whole city.

Karen Daly looked at him and pinched his face. "Don't put on that long face. Such a good-looking face will turn ugly if you keep doing that face."

Kevin Kyle responded with a straight face, "No matter how ugly I am, I am still your husband."

Karen Daly smiled mischievously and said, "I wouldn't mind if you look too ugly."

"I'm okay with you being ugly, so shouldn't the condition be the same for me?" Kevin Kyle said.

"Kevin, you're implying that I'm ugly!"

"Ugly and stupid. It's the truth. Isn't it?"


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