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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 431

Just as Ivan was staring at Karen, Kevin Kyle suddenly slapped him on the shoulder. With just a slight force, one could hear the sound of bones cracking.

Kevin moved closer to Ivan. He nodded slightly and whispered in his ear, "Watch where you're looking if you still want your eyes intact!"

"You clearly know who I like..." Ivan showed an ambiguous smile and suddenly raised his voice. "Leo, how dare I think about your woman."

Ivan was a fashion designer Karen Daly admired very much. She knew his personality and demeanor. She was not surprised when he stared at her for a while. However, Ivan's smile to Kevin just now made her a little uncomfortable.

However, Karen was not in the mood to think about them. Her mind was occupied with matters related to fashion design.

Kevin bellowed, "Before you talk and do things, you should think twice first."

The reason why Kevin had brought Karen here to learn from Ivan was that he had noticed that she was always worried lately.

Karen Daly was so worried about him, Mia, and also the Mysterious Person that she couldn't eat properly. She woke up frequently at night. In just over half a month, she had lost a lot of weight.

If he didn't find something to distract her and let her worry about everything every day, she would continue to lose so much weight that he probably would not even recognize her in another half a month.

"Leo, are you warning me or giving me a hint?" While speaking, Ivan reached out his hand to try to hook Kevin's neck, but Kevin took a step back in time to avoid him.

"Ivan!" Kevin roared in a deep voice. He was obviously angry.

"Please come in!" Ivan stopped the teasing, he knew that he should not overdo a joke.

Ivan had known the famous Leo Kevin Kyle from many years ago. He was clear at how ruthless Leo could be.

Especially in front of his woman, if someone dared to trespass him, that person would be disabled before tomorrow.

Even though they had been good friends for many years, if he were Leo Kyle's best friend, there was no exception.

The two were in a heated argument. On the other hand, Karen Daly was in the mood to have a good look at the house, at the piles of exquisite fabric scattered everywhere. She wanted to see how the world's top fashion designer worked.

"My atelier is on the third floor. If Mrs. Kyle, you are interested, you may go and have a look." Ivan had read her mind. She was talented in fashion design, but due to a series of unfortunate events these years, she was unable to pursue this career further.

Although she had designed a popular collection of lingerie with her talent, and won an award for the best upcoming designer, but due to her lack of new collections, and her lack of exposure in the fashion circle, many had forgotten about her.

"May I?" Karen was extremely surprised.

She had long heard about designers like Ivan who would not allow people to enter their ateliers. Firstly, they believed that others would disrupt their inspiration, and secondly, they were afraid that others would steal their designs.

"Go ahead." Kevin patted Karen's hand and smiled gently at her. "Take a good look. Just do whatever you want. I'll wait for you downstairs."

"Okay." Karen smiled brightly at Kevin. She gave Kevin a hug and kiss, then she turned around and ran upstairs.

After Karen Daly left, Kevin Kyle raised his hand slowly and gently touched the place where she had just kissed him.


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