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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 446

Kevin Kyle carried Little Karen over and asked her to look into his eyes. He said sternly, "Little Karen, do you know what you just said?"

No matter how much Kevin doted on his daughter if she made a mistake, he needed to teach her when it was necessary, especially when this was a serious matter.

They didn't know that in Little Karen's heart, she had never regarded Karen Daly as her biological mother.

Little Karen would think that her own mother was still flying in the sky, as a father, he had to take full responsibility. It was his lack of consideration.

Little Karen raised her little hands to wipe her tears, and said pitifully, "I want my own mommy."

"Little Karen, the one sitting in front of you is your mother. She went through all the pain to give birth to you. If it weren't for her, you wouldn't have been here. She gave you your life. How could you say such things to make your mother sad?" Kevin Kyle looked at Little Karen and spoke to her patiently. He had to let her understand this.

Little Karen sobbed and said, "Little Karen's mother is flying in the sky, she is not my mother."

In Little Karen's limited memory, her deepest impression was her mother had flown far away in the sky.

Little Karen was still young. She may not remember everything, but there were things she remembered very well.

She remembered her Little Aunt had told her that her mother was flying in the sky. Of course, she also remembered what others had said to her.

She had always remembered what Auntie Lin had told her, that this mother was not her biological mother. This fake mother would take away her father's love for her and many things else.

Karen Daly had transformed into her mother now, but she was just replacing her mother's position. In fact, she was not Little Karen's mother. Little Karen had always remembered these words.

It was just that this mother was too kind to her. She knew that the fake mother might take her father away, but she was still willing to let her be her mother.

Little Karen didn't mind about a lot of things. If they were gone, her father would buy for her again.

What she was afraid of was that the fake mother would take away her father. She only had one father. What would she do if this Big Karen took her father away from her?

Kevin frowned and asked, "Who told you that your mom was flying in the sky?"

Hearing Kevin's question to Little Karen, Mia Kyle immediately felt guilty and shrank. Unconsciously, Mia leaned into the arms of Neil Brown. If her Cold Brother got angry, she had to find someone to back her.

Seeing Mia's action, Neil knew it was her fault. He winked at her and they sneaked away quietly.

The two of them knew more than anyone else when it came to educating the child. They would only cause more trouble here. If they left earlier, it would save them a lot of trouble.

"Little Karen, apologize to your mother quickly. Say you know you're wrong." Mama Kyle couldn't bear to let her granddaughter suffer, so she wanted to be the peacemaker.

"Mom, stay out of this matter." As soon as Kevin said this, Papa Kyle who had wanted to plead for Little Karen, abruptly shut up.

Kevin said sternly, "Karen Joy Kyle!"

When her father was stern, Little Karen cried pitifully. "Daddy, you are a bad guy! But I don't want you anymore!"

Her father had never raised his voice to her since she was a child. Her father's current action showed that he did not love her anymore.

She was so pitiful. She had no mother, now even her father didn't love her anymore. The more she thought about it, the sadder she became.

The bean-sized tears fell like broken pearls, and she looked as if she was abandoned by the whole world.


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