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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 463

It was Kevin Kyle who made her understand that she was not unwanted. She was unique and she could not be replaced by anyone else.

It was also Kevin who let her know that there was also someone in the world who was willing to treasure her.

"You idiot!" Kevin lowered his head and said softly.

It was actually his blessing to have met such a fool like her. She was his most precious fortune in this life.

"You're the silly one," Karen refuted playfully as she treated the last wound on his body. Then, she stopped and asked, "Why don't you move a little and see if it still hurts?"

"It doesn't hurt!" With her around, he felt warmth in his heart. How else would it hurt?

"How is it possible that it doesn't hurt?" He was pretending again. No matter what he encountered, he would always put a fort up and not share the truth with her.

He was a still human being, not a man made of steel. How could he not feel pain?

Looking at Karen's worried eyes, Kevin held her in his arms and rested his head above her head. "I really don't feel pain when you're around!"


When Kevin Kyle and Karen Daly were being ambushed on the island, Little Karen, who was at Ocean Behae Villa, had also been attacked. However, the people who attacked her were doing it in the dark, not as flagrant as the ones who attacked her parents.

If the person behind the scenes wanted Kevin to disappear and wanted to take over Rovio, then Karen Joy Kyle's existence would be an obstacle. Even though she was only a four-year-old child, she had become a thorn in their side.

However, they didn't put too much effort into dealing with this little child like they did to deal with Kevin.

The Mystery Person had already found out that whenever Karen Joy left the house, she would always be followed by four people, a driver, two strong bodyguards, and a young boy.

The identity of the boy was unknown. He looked thin and weak and did not seem like a threat. Even if he was aggressive, he wouldn't be as strong as the bodyguards.

Therefore, they took advantage of the time when the boy took Karen Joy to rest, then they planned to attack them. They wanted to take Karen Joy away when they were least prepared.

Karen Joy was a little grumpy today. She didn't want to sleep when she was supposed to take a nap, because her parents said that they would arrive by noon to have lunch with her, however, they did not show up.

She waited for a long time, but she couldn't see her parents. She called them, and the calls couldn't get through either.

She called Uncle Black again. Uncle Black told her that her parents were dealing with plenty of important work, and their phones must have been out of signal.

Her father and mother have always told her that she was their most important treasure, but they were doing something else that was very important. So what could be more important than her?

Little Karen felt very hurt and felt that her little heart was shattered.

She was so well-behaved and so cute. How could she not be the most important treasure of her parents?

Because she was angry, Little Karen didn't even eat her favorite strawberries during lunchtime. She was so angry and ignored everyone.

She didn't want her grandmother, her Little Aunt, and even her grandfather. She asked Brother Lionel to take her back to her room for a nap.

But she was really angry. She was so angry that she rolled around on the bed and couldn't sleep. She even ignored Brother Lionel who was talking to her.

"Little Karen..."


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