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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 477

Mia Kyle said, " Neil, what an odd fetish you have!"

If he said that she was a dog, then he slept with a dog for the whole night. What weird fetish was that?

Mia rolled her eyes at Neil and thought, "I really dislike him."

Neil held Mia tightly and slapped her on her butt. "Mia, you deserve to be beaten!"

"F*ck! How can you hit me!" Mia had never been a person who was willing to suffer losses. She was so angry that she pushed, kicked, and even pinched him.

Mia was always the one calling the shots. Now, Neil slapped her out of nowhere, so she was annoyed.

But this time, Neil didn't give in to her again. He locked Mia's legs with his long legs and held her hands down firmly. No matter how hard Mia struggled, she couldn't hurt him.

Mia was so frustrated that she shouted, "Neil, you bastard, how dare you bully me? Do you think it's easy to bully me?"

Neil smiled happily. He rubbed her head and said, "Don't make a fuss, Mia. Save your energy. Let's continue tomorrow morning. Now go to sleep!"

Mia shouted, "Neil, go to hell!"

Mia was so angry at Neil for hitting her and controlling her. How could she sleep?

However, no matter how loud she shouted, Neil did not respond to her, and he did not loosen his grip around her.

Mia was so frustrated. She swore that she would take revenge soon.


The night passed, it was peaceful in the morning.

Kevin Kyle got up early, but today he didn't get up to read the newspaper. When he woke up, he kept looking at the two people lying on his left.

Little Karen was still sleeping between Karen Daly and himself. Her face had restored its pinkish tone and she looked much better.

Kevin could not help but to lower his head and kiss Little Karen's pink face.

The memory from his first blind date with Karen was still fresh in his mind, like it had just happened yesterday.

He still remembered Karen's surprised expression when she saw him for the first time, and he remembered Karen's expression when he said that they should get married.

Everything was still vivid in his mind. Several years had passed in the blink of an eye, and their child was already more than four years old.

In a few more years, their daughter would grow up. Karen and Kevin would gradually grow old. He only hoped that at that time, at the first sight of opening his eyes in the morning, he could still see Karen lying next to him.

Kevin's eyes moved towards Karen who was on his far left. When she was asleep, she was still frowning.

Seeing her seemingly frowning face, Kevin reached out his hand to help her smoothen her brows. He also wanted to get rid of the worry and fear in her heart.

With a gentle touch, Karen suddenly opened her eyes and smiled at him. "Morning!"

"Morning!" Kevin bent down to kiss her on the face and said, "It's still early. Sleep a little longer."


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