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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 488

“What?" Faye Reed's deafening scream was ringing in Karen Daly's ear. She couldn't make out what Faye was saying.

"You just said that you will give Little Karen a little sister, so you must have good news right." Faye said while smiling, "How many months are you in your pregnancy? When is your due date? We can nurse our babies together in the future."

"No, I'm not." Karen touched her belly subconsciously. She did hope for a child, but there was none.

She didn’t know whether she’d be blessed with another child with Kevin Kyle or not.

“I understand. It is not three months yet, so you can’t tell others. Karen, don’t worry. I'm good at keeping secrets. I won’t tell anyone.”

On this end of the phone, Karen could already feel Faye putting her hand over her chest and making a promise.

"I’m really not pregnant!" Karen wasn't doubting Faye, but she really wasn’t pregnant, so she didn’t want to spread this information.

There were things that Faye could keep her lips sealed no matter what, but there were other things that she would announce to the world in seconds.

She still remembered when they were in university, one of their male classmates was courting a girl. Faye pestered him so much to get him to disclose the girl’s name. She had sworn to keep it a secret.

However, before the morning class ended, the whole campus knew about the boy and the girl being an item.

Since then, her classmates gave Faye a fitting nickname called, “Chatterbox Reed!"

"Okay, don't need to explain. I understand." Faye added, “Sebastian will soon finish his work here, then I'll go back. I'll wait for you, and we can give birth together."

Karen was speechless.

Could one wait for the other to give birth together?

Did Faye think that her baby was so special that she could adjust his birth date?

After she hung up, Karen looked up at the sky.

The weather was very good, and the sky was clear, just like Karen’s mood.

Life was back on track again. She could go to her brother's house for meals on weekends, chat with her best friend, and stroll around. This was what she called a life.

Karen was in a good mood. On the way home, she called Kevin again. She learned that Kevin had gone to the neighboring city for work, and he would probably return at night.

Karen returned home happily. Not long after she entered the yard, she saw Little Karen sitting in the yard with a chain in her hand while muttering something... Even Momo, who was trotting around her feet could not get her attention.

For an unknown reason, Karen felt her heart aching when she saw Little Karen like this. She wanted to go near to Little Karen but she couldn’t bring herself to move her feet.

Perhaps Momo had noticed Karen, Momo left Little Karen and ran towards Karen. It circled her twice and then barked faintly.

Karen understood that Momo was telling her that Little Karen was very sad...

Karen picked Momo up and walked towards Little Karen quietly. As she approached Little Karen, she heard her saying to the chain, "Brother Lionel, appear! Brother Lionel, appear!"

Little Karen recited over and over again... She kept calling for her brother Lionel.


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