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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 492

Karen Daly called Kevin Kyle in the afternoon. After he said that he was busy with his work, she did not call him again.

She didn't call him again because she didn't want to distract his work, not because she didn't care. However, every time she would wait for him to return at home.

It was like this every time, there was no exception.

Therefore, Kevin would go home no matter how late it was. How could he bear to let Karen wait for him the whole night?

When he saw the lights in the bedroom, the tiredness he felt from a whole day of work disappeared in an instant.

The corners of his mouth turned upwards slightly, and his pace quickened. He wished to appear in front of Karen quickly.

When Kevin walked to the door of the main house, Karen was also walking towards him.

She was wearing some pink cartoon pajamas, which was matching with Little Karen's. The dim light shone on her face, making her look alluring.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?" He asked with a doting smile on his face.

Karen did not answer him. Instead, she hooked on his arm and said, "You've been busy for the whole day, please sleep in a hotel if you can in the future."

Kevin rubbed her head, smiled gently, and said, "If I were to sleep in a hotel for the night, you would wait for me for the whole night."

Karen glared at him, "I'm not stupid. If you call and inform me that you can't come back, I won't wait for you then."

Kevin suddenly stopped, held her face, and said earnestly, "But without you by my side, I can't fall asleep."

He didn't know when he had developed such a habit. Without Karen sleeping next to him, and if he couldn't see her the first thing in the morning, he couldn't sleep soundly anymore.

Looking at Kevin's affectionate eyes, Karen blushed again. She lowered her gaze and asked, "Have you had dinner?"

"I didn't eat." Moments after he sat down at the dining table, his appetite was ruined, so he didn't eat anything just now, and left with his men.

"What do you want to eat? I'll prepare for you."

"Noodles." Kevin still remembered when they just got married, Karen had cooked noodles for him once, and it tasted good.

"Then you go upstairs and take a shower first. When you're done, the meal should be ready."

"Let's do it together." Kevin would not be hungry even if he did not have a meal. He just missed the days when they made meals together.

"Okay then, you wash the vegetables."


So the couple, one in charge of washing the vegetables and the other in charge of boiling water and preparing the seasoning. Not long after, a bowl of delicious noodles was ready.

Karen looked at Kevin expectantly and said, "I haven't cooked this for a long time. I don't know how it will taste."

Kevin said, "The dishes made by my wife must be delicious."

Karen smiled and said, "Then you should eat more."

Kevin was eating the noodles while Karen sat opposite him, watching him quietly.

No matter how long had passed, even if this man was already a father to a four-year-old kid, his lifestyle habits had not changed.

Every morning when she opened her eyes, she would see him sitting by the window and reading the newspaper, just like the morning after they got married.


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