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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 502

What is love?

Karen Daly used to think that she understood love, then she gradually thought otherwise.

However, what she knew was that Kevin was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

But what did that have to do with this guy?

Why should she answer him?

Henry stared at her immensely, like he was demanding an answer.

Karen did not have a good feeling about this guy.

She felt like Henry wasn't just who he seemed to be, and even his identity as a designer could be fake.

Karen turned around to leave.

Henry quickly caught up to her, "Karen, are you not answering because you're running away from your true feelings?"

Karen stopped walking, "Who on earth are you? Why are you pestering me? I do not remember meeting you."

She didn't believe that he was just an ordinary designer, and she didn't believe that he came to PM Corporation just to work. This man reeked with dangerous vibes, mysterious and veiled.

"I just introduced myself not long ago, and you have forgotten my name so quickly." Henry shook his head and sighed, "Miss Daly, you make me a little angry."

"It's none of my business if you are angry!" Karen did not want to waste her time on this person anymore, so she turned around and left.

"The consequences will be serious if I get angry," Henry said as if he was joking, but people could tell that he was serious.

"The consequences will also be serious if I get angry." Karen wasn't scared. If he did anything inappropriate to her again, she wouldn't let him bully her just like that.

"I am curious to see how you look when you're angry." Henry smiled evilly. "You look so cute when you're angry. I like that very much!"

"Pervert!" Karen scolded and walked away. Behind her came his voice. "Miss Daly, we would have a great time working."

Hearing his voice, Karen clenched her fists in disgust. She thought to herself, "As if."

Because of this guy's disturbance, Karen couldn't focus on working the whole morning. She felt very uncomfortable.

In the past, she would be so focused on her work that she often forgot to rest. This was the first time she was looking forward to getting off work.

Noon finally came and Karen darted out of the office, trying to avoid that weird man.

After going downstairs, she immediately saw Kevin Kyle in the crowd.

As usual, he was dressed in black and white. As usual, he looked dazzling.

Just as Karen looked towards him, Kevin saw her as well.

Kevin's cold face brightened up after seeing her, and he walked over to her swiftly, "Tired?"

Karen shook her head, "Not at all."

Kevin noticed the scratch on her lip. He frowned slightly and asked, "What's wrong with your lips?"

Karen had been angry all morning, and she had been avoiding the dangerous person. She completely forgot that there was a scratch on her lip.

Now that Kevin asked about it, she stammered as she thought of an excuse. "When I entered the office in the morning, I accidentally hit the wall and I bit my lip."

"Why were you so careless?" Kevin's face immediately sank and his voice became colder. "Stop going to work. Just stay at home."


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