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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 511

After Kevin Kyle left, Karen Daly found it harder to calm down and fall asleep. Her anxious thoughts clouded her mind.

She rarely saw Kevin rash out like that. It was such a short outburst, but obvious enough to not escape her eyes.

Kevin had been in charge of Rovio for so many years. He always treated everything with a certain sense of calm and peace.

He had many capable people under his wing. Most things could be solved by other people, and so he didn't need to worry about them at all. Karen didn't believe that the call had anything to do with Rovio.

Could something actually have happened to George Ken?

She got even more flustered just thinking about it. She picked up the phone again and was ready to call George. However, George's call came through first.

Karen was so excited that her hands trembled. "Brother, where are you? What are you doing?"

"What's the matter?"

George's voice came from the other end. His voice was sounded so pitiful and sad that it would surely make someone's heartache.

Although George sounded off, he was finally on the phone with her. Karen heaved a sigh of relief.

She asked again, "Brother, are you okay?"

She heard his pitiful and sad voice again. He said, "What could happen to me?"

His bloody hand held the mobile phone tightly. His other hand clutched on to his father's lifeless body.

Every word sounded like it took every ounce of strength in his body to speak out.

He didn't want to answer the phone, but he didn't want Karen to worry either, so he called her back.

Even before his death, his father was still concerned about her. Even in his dreams, his father would hear her voice calling out to him. He worried about her the most.

His father had just left him!

No, his father didn't leave. He must still be watching somewhere. Now, as his father's son, how could he let Karen worry about him?

"Where are you? Are you not at home?" Karen vaguely heard the sound of waves. Why was he at the beach this late at night?

"I'm at home. If there's nothing else then I'll head back to sleep." George abruptly hung up the phone.

"It's good that you're fine. Rest well. I won't disturb you anymore." Although the call had ended, Karen insisted on finishing her sentence.

As long as George was fine, she was relieved.

Perhaps, his attitude was quite justifiable. She had just woken him up in the middle of the night.

Kevin drove his car to the location of the incident that Nick had mentioned.

He was driving fast, but it still took an hour to reach his destination. The sun was rising slowly on the horizon as it was approaching morning.

"Director Kevin, Mr. Ken's over there."

Nick had been waiting for Kevin with his men for a long time, because no instructions were relayed yet. Seeing Kevin, a group of people immediately gathered around him.

"Who did it?" Kevin looked at where Nick was pointing at and saw George sitting on the ground. He wasn't moving at all.

"I've sent someone to investigate, but no clues yet," Nick told Kevin cautiously.

"Send more people to investigate. I don't care if they overturn the entire Chatterton Town, go catch the murderer!" Kevin ordered. He continued, "I told you to watch them. Did you watch him only after he died?"


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