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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 543

Karen Daly did not open the video immediately, she replied with a voice message to George Ken, "Brother, if you have time to drink with your friends, how can you not have the time to come to Secret Garden?"

Jayden was the child they adopted. Karen and Kevin would raise him as their own child, as a part of the family.

On the day when Jayden was officially adopted, of course, they hoped that the important family members would all be present to show their appreciation and respect for Jayden. It would also be a formal way to let everyone know that he would be part of the Kyle family and introduce him as Jayden Elias Kyle.

She informed George yesterday, but George did not come. Karen was somewhat upset.

After Karen's voice message was sent out, George did not reply to her. She waited, and finally, without any replies, she decided to click on the video that he sent.

She clicked on the video. Karen could see quite clearly that the video was recorded from George's home. As she watched, Karen immediately realized something was not right and sat up straight.

The video continued to play. When she heard the doorbell ring in the video, Karen was super nervous as she was actually holding her breath while watching.

When she saw her father walking out of the room, Karen went absolutely limp. The cell phone almost slipped out of her hand.

She saw her father. She saw her father who was alive and still walking...

Even if her father's face was full of scars, she was not afraid at all. She was able to see her father's appearance through the recording.

In her memories, her father was still so young and handsome. She thought he still looked the same from the photos 20 years ago.

From the video, Karen saw her father walking up to the door and looked through the peephole. It wasn't someone he knew, so he didn't open the door and returned to his room.

Not long after, the person knocked on the door again and opened it with a set of keys. He tied her father up very quickly and left.

When the door was opened, Karen's vision was fixed on one person.

One of the two men who kidnapped her father was the one who worked for Kevin and followed Nick Black around. She recognized him clearly.

A few days ago, when they came back from Beaford City after burying their father, George pointed and showed her the man at the airport. He asked her whether she knew the man and if the man was working for Kevin.

At that time, she was so sure that the man was working for Kevin. But right at this moment, she was hoping that this man was a traitor like Amelia Gray. She hoped that whatever he did was directed by someone else, and it had nothing to do with Kevin.

However, Karen was clear that after Amelia Gray's incident, Kevin asked Nick to conduct background checks on all the people around him. Anyone with a slight problem would be fired without a doubt.

"So what's going on now?"

Why did the people working under Kevin kidnap her father?

Slowly, Karen finished watching the video. After watching the video, she was completely frozen. She didn't know how to react.

She no longer knew who she was or where she was, and even though she was dreaming.

She thought that she was probably dreaming.

It must be a dream.

If it was not a dream, how could she see such a horrible thing?

"Yes, yes, I must be dreaming," Karen muttered. At the same time, she reached out and pinched her thigh really hard.

It hurt!

This meant that she was not dreaming. The video she watched earlier was absolutely real.

Karen closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down.


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