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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 545

Mia Kyle's grandfather, Warren Silas, was a bad person. He deserved to die. But Mia was innocent. She had never done anything to hurt anyone.

Karen Daly wanted to believe that her father was a reasonable person. He would not hurt an innocent girl.

But was she right? Her brother had just told her what their father did.

"Father was framed by Warren Silas. Later, he started to plan for revenge on the culprit. This enemy, Warren assumed the identity of the head of the Kyle family. He had power, money, and influence. Dad had no chance to get near him. Over the years, he had been trying to plan for his revenge and when he almost succeeded, his enemy turned out to be an imposter."

"After Warren was arrested, he suddenly died in the Chatterton Town military base. Father couldn't get his revenge. The grudge he had been carrying with him for so many years couldn't be relieved. Therefore, he found Warren's granddaughter, Mia. Father also believed that Mia had something to do with Warren stealing your baby back then. So he kidnapped her."

"He wanted to kill Mia to vent his anger, but in the end, his conscience took over and he spared her life."

"Father let Mia go and her injuries have also healed. However, Father had been blaming himself ever since. He would wake up countless times every night." Speaking of this, George couldn't control his tears as they streamed down from the corners of his eyes.

He wiped away his tears and said, "Karen, Father knew what he had done. He was willing to pay for what he did with his life. But before that, he only had one wish. He wanted his surgery to succeed and to meet you with a proper appearance."

George said each word slowly and solemnly. Every word he said was like a bullet hitting Karen's heart.

Her heart shattered along with her conscience.

Karen covered her ears and shook her head, shouting loudly, "No, it's impossible. He wouldn't, he wouldn't... he wouldn't hurt Mia."

She didn't want to believe that her father had kidnapped Mia. If her father had kidnapped Mia and nearly killed her, then that would be Kevin's motive to kill her father.

Although Mia was not a child from the Kyle family, but Kevin loved her like his own sister.

Mia had a special place in the Kyle family's hearts. If she was harmed, they wouldn't show any mercy to the culprit.

When Mia was rescued, the Kyle family, including the hot-tempered Neil Brown, didn't even mention about the kidnapper.

Now thinking about it, it was likely that Kevin and the others had already known about the kidnapper. They didn't say anything because they wanted to deal with it secretly.

Karen was devastated at the thought of this.


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