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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 569

"Yes, it hurts a little. But you're here now, so it doesn't hurt anymore." No matter how painful it was, when Little Karen saw her father, she knew that her greatest support was there with her.

She would no longer be afraid that someone would bully her and her mother. Since her father was here, he would definitely chase the bad guys away and protect her and her mommy.

In Little Karen's heart, her father was just like Brother Lionel; they were both superheroes. Whenever the bad guys saw them, they would be scared away.

"Yes, our Little Karen is so brave. You didn't cry even when you were injured. However, I want to let you know that you're our precious child. If you're ever been hurt or mistreated, you must not keep it to yourself, and you must let us know so we can protect you." Kevin kissed Little Karen's adorable face. "Baby, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes!" Little Karen nodded and replied sweetly, "I understand."

"Well, let's get the doctor to clean up the wound first. When it's treated properly, we will bring you home. This kindergarten caused you pain, so we won't come to this kindergarten anymore in the future." Kevin said gently. It was the most pleasant voice in the world according to Little Karen and Karen.

However, as he was saying this so gently, the other guys around him were freaking out.

Everyone who knew Kevin would understand that if he withdrew Little Karen from this kindergarten, there wouldn't be a need for this kindergarten's existence anymore.

Although this kindergarten was not specially built for their family, it had caused great harm to Little Karen before, so it had already offended the Kyle family.

York Tanner, who came with Kevin, had a look around. As he imagined that this beautiful kindergarten would soon be razed to the ground, he was somewhat sad too.

His focus then shifted to the middle- aged man who had just been extremely arrogant but went completely silent now.

He had been a high- ranking official for so many years now, how could he make such a stupid mistake?

No wonder after all these years in the political scene, he remained the Deputy Director of the Education Ministry in Chatterton Town. The main director had appointed many other people over the years yet it was never his turn to take the office. Maybe it really had something to do with his ignorance.

How did he not realize that anyone who could attend the Chatterton Town Military Kindergarten would always be someone with a decent status or background?

They made up all this fuss without realizing who they were messing up with. Such a pity for this old man.

Not only did he lose the position that he had for more than 20 years, but his future would most likely be very miserable.

Sigh, he could've offended anyone in the world yet he'd done it to the two most precious people of Director Kevin.

Director Kevin had gone through a lot all these years. He had to play the role of both parents. He had to do all the tasks by himself, from feeding the child, to changing the diapers, to educating the child as she grew up.

Over the years, Director Kevin treated his daughter like the most precious treasure in the world. Anyone who tried to offend or hurt her would surely be seeking death.

When the middle- aged man saw Director Kevin, he was already scared out of his wits.

He would never have imagined that the person they had just offended was the head of Rovio Corp.

Well, this could actually be Director Kevin's fault for keeping a low profile because he had never appeared in public with his wife and family before.

Director Kevin was always in the media's lens during those three years when his wife went missing. But as soon as she returned, he stopped doing any more interviews.

Therefore, he was very well known in public but no one really knew who Karen and Little Karen were.

"Director Kevin, Director Kevin, I..." The middle-aged man was so scared his entire body already went limp. He wanted to apologize, but as soon as he wanted to speak, his fear made him bite his tongue instead.

This was exactly the power of Director Kevin.


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