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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 590

When she fell asleep lately, she would have nightmares.

In the past, Karen experienced this before.

However, she stopped having nightmares when she returned to Kevin's side.

Karen was too familiar with the horrible feeling and she didn't want to experience it again.

Because of fear, Karen did not dare to fall asleep.

She got up from the bed, opened the suitcase, and planned to take out the clothes in the luggage to hang them in the wardrobe.

She wanted to find something to do so she wouldn't fall asleep and she wouldn't miss Kevin too. Maybe time would pass faster.

When Karen opened the suitcase, she realized that it wasn't filled with her clothes, instead it was filled with her design materials and tools.

There were her beloved brushes, drawing boards that Kevin had given her, and a lot of her hand-drawn designs. These things were trash in other people's eyes, but to her, they were precious treasures.

Every unwanted sketch was Karen's creation, and the drawing board was given to her by Kevin.

Karen recalled the day that Kevin gifted her the drawing board.

On that day, Kevin got off work early and went to PM Corporation to pick her up. He invited her to have dinner outside and took her for a walk. Finally, they returned to the car. When she was about to fall asleep in his arms, he took out the drawing board and said, "Karen, it's for you. Do you like it?"

The items that she needed in her daily life were all prepared by Kevin, but this was the first time that he gave her a gift.

"I like it! Of course I like it!" How could she not like it when he had given her the gift?

"As long as you like it." At that time, Kevin smiled very widely.

Later, Karen learned from Uncle Watson that the drawing board was customized by Kevin and he even put it together on his own.

The gift was not expensive, but every detail of the drawing board showed Kevin's sincerity.

The clearer her thought was, the more Karen understood how much Kevin had cared about her in the past few years.

When she thought of this, she felt as if her heart was being clenched by someone else, and she couldn't breathe.

Karen didn't want to see it anymore. She closed the suitcase immediately and wanted to find something else to distract her.

There were no clothes in the luggage, so buying clothes was Karen's priority.

She wrote it down in her notebook. It was so cold in New York, so she had to buy a thick coat for Little Karen and Jayden as soon as possible.

However, when Karen opened the wardrobe and looked through it, she was shocked again. The wardrobe was full of clothes, including coats, cotton jackets, down jackets, and many more varieties. The color and patterns were all to her liking.

Not only her wardrobe was filled with clothes, but everyone's wardrobes were full of clothes too.

So even when they got divorced, Kevin still didn't treat his "former wife" badly. He still prepared everything for her like how he did before.


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