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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 606

Kevin Kyle never interfered with Karen Daly's work.

Even though he bought over PM Corporation for Karen, he did not announce it to the public. So that wouldn't affect Karen's identity as an employee there.

Today, when Karen went for the job interview at Bespoke Designs, he only knew about it because he followed her covertly. He didn't arrange it deliberately.

He was misunderstood, but Kevin didn't bother to explain himself. He didn't owe anyone any explanation. After saying goodbye to Faye, he left.

After seeing her father today, Little Karen was so happy. When she returned home, her face was full of smiles.

Seeing her skipping around while humming songs, Karen, who was busy drafting her design, asked curiously, "Baby, why are you so happy today?"

"Shush! I can't say!" Little Karen raised her index finger and placed it on her mouth. She promised her father that she would never tell her mother, so she needed to fulfill her promise.

"What is it? Can't you tell me?" Karen put down her brush and looked at Little Karen carefully.

"Mommy, I can't tell you!" If she exposed her secret, her father would probably leave, then she couldn't see her father anymore.

"Alright, if you don't want to tell, I won't ask any further." Karen shook her head helplessly. Her daughter was just over four years old, yet she was being so secretive already.

"I love you so much!" Little Karen threw herself into Karen's arms happily and spoke sweetly.

Karen hugged Little Karen and lowered her head close to her neck. Suddenly, she noticed a familiar scent.

Karen thought it was her own illusion. She quickly sniffed the rest of Little Karen's body.

There was a very subtle scent on Little Karen's body, which was the scent of the cologne that Kevin usually used.

No matter when, Kevin always had a sort of scent with him. It smelled very refreshing and unique.

Karen spent so much time with him and even fell asleep to that scent every night, so it was very familiar to her.

She was sure that the scent of Little Karen must have been Kevin's. No one else had that scent.

Karen suddenly understood why Little Karen was so happy. She must have seen her father, whom she had missed tremendously.

Kevin probably came to New York and met up with Little Karen, didn't he?

As she was deep in thoughts, Karen held Little Karen tighter and breathed in Little Karen's scent greedily. She was using this opportunity to be close to Kevin.

A person who could no longer be hers.

Although she would remind herself to not think about him every day, he was always lingering in her mind.

"Mommy, it hurts!" Little Karen protested. Her mother held her so tightly that she could hardly breathe.

Hearing Little Karen's voice, Karen realized that she had lost her composure. She let go of Little Karen, patted Little Karen's back, and said gently, "Baby, I'm sorry!"

"I'm okay now." Little Karen replied.

"Okay, good girl!" Karen rubbed her head with a smile. "I have washed some strawberries for you and put them on the table. If you are hungry, wash your hands and help yourself."

"Mommy, I'm not hungry." Her father had just fed her delicious food. She was not hungry at all, so she didn't even want to eat strawberries.


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