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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 617

Every time Karen sent a message, Kevin would check it immediately. But, he was disappointed every time he looked at her texts.

She was not giving up and kept pestering him, all because she wanted him to return Little Karen. So as long as he gave Little Karen back to her, she would no longer come looking for him.

Kevin held his phone tightly. He was suppressing his waves of anger and pain and trying to calm himself down again and again. He was so frustrated at her adamance.

"Daddy..." Little Karen was so worried about her mother that she was close to tears.

She didn't understand why her father didn't want to open the door to let her mother in. Her mother had been standing in the snow all this while. What if she got sick from the cold?

If her mother got sick from the cold and she lost her mother, she would be extremely upset.

"Daddy, I want Mommy!" Little Karen said pitifully.

Kevin did not pay attention to Little Karen. He looked out of the window and fixed his eyes on Karen who was standing still in the snow.

The snow was still falling heavily. Karen's hair had been covered with a thin layer of snow from standing out there for a while.

She was usually scared of the cold. But today, she stood right there and did not move an inch as if she was unbothered by the cold.

The more Kevin looked at her, the angrier he became. Yet, he felt his heartache more than he felt angry.

After all, she was a woman who was also pregnant at the moment. Why did he have to make things so difficult for her?

If something happened to her and the baby, he would be the one who would be heartbroken in the end anyway.

All he needed to do was to tell her this important truth. Whatever it was, she would always be his woman, and she would not be able to leave him, ever.

All he needed to do was to tell her this!

So what was the point of their game now?

Kevin finally opened the door and rushed to Karen's side. Without saying anything, he grabbed her by the waist and carried her away.

Damn it!

This woman was pregnant, but she was terribly light. He could barely feel any weight when he carried her.

Had she not been eating well all this while?

Why was she still so thin?

It was definitely her fault for not taking good care of herself. But, it was also his fault for allowing her to do whatever she wanted.

When they entered the warm house, Kevin still didn't let go of Karen. In fact, he hugged her even tighter.

Kevin was holding Karen so tightly in his arms that Karen could feel his warmth.

Karen tried to get out of his arms. However, she wanted the warmth from his embrace, so she remained there.

She just wanted to embrace Kevin's warmth for a little longer, and enjoy the feeling of being held in his arms once again.

Kevin held her in his arms without saying anything. Karen remained silent too. It was rare for the two of them to be so cooperative for once. It felt like they were both enjoying the brief moment of intimacy they were sharing.


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